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Oregon Health Authority

Marijuana Testing Requirements

NOTE: The information provided here is only a brief summary of the testing rules. There are additional requirements that you must comply with. Visit the Rules and Statutes page to review the full testing rules found in Division 7.

Overview of Testing Requirements in Oregon

For All Medical Registrants and Retail Licensees

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is responsible for cannabis testing rules that apply to both the medical and retail market. 

All marijuana items and industrial hemp-derived vapor items must be sampled and tested according to OAR 333-007-0300 to 333-007-0600 and OAR 333-064-0100 to 333-064-0130. ORELAP sampling protocols must also be followed. 

Any laboratory that samples and tests marijuana items and industrial hemp-derived vapor items must be accredited by ORELAP and licensed by OLCC.

All marijuana items transferred or sold to a dispensary or retail shop must be accompanied by documentation of passing test results.

Testing Requirements and Guidance

The following guidance documents are to assist in the understanding of Cannabis testing rules. The guidance documents should not be relied on solely. The rules may be reviewed in full on the Rules and Statutes page.
Laboratory sampling protocols may be found on the Laboratories page. 

Failed Tests

Failed test results must be reported to the overseeing state agency by the testing laboratory within 24 hours of completion of the laboratory's data review and approval procedures and be reported at the same time or before reporting to the grower or processor.

Additional information for reporting medical marijuana items that fail testing can be found under Laboratory Reporting Requirements.

Reanalysis and Retesting Guidance


If a registrant or licensee who requests testing on a marijuana item or industrial hemp-derived vapor item receives a failed result,  they may request a reanalysis of the sample from the same laboratory within seven days of being notified of the failure.

  • If the reanalysis results in another fail, all associated batches must be held for destruction*.
  • If the reanalysis results in a pass, then another laboratory must resample and retest the item to determine if the product is a pass or a fail.


Retesting must be completed by a second laboratory within 30 days from the date the retesting was requested. Retesting may not be performed at a laboratory under the same ownership as the original laboratory that performed the original testing and may not be done by a laboratory that was subcontracted to do the original testing. 

  • A fail on a retest means the item must be held for destruction*.
  • A pass on a retest means the item may be transferred.

*An option to remediate the batch may be possible before destruction. Please consult OAR 333-007-0450 to determine if remediation is possible for the item and test that failed. 

For medical registrants: If a request for reanalysis is made, the registered grower or processor must notify the OMMP of the request on the Notification of Reanalysis or Retesting of a Failed Sample Form (pdf). A copy of the reanalysis results must also be submitted to OMMP once received from the testing laboratory.

The grower or processor must notify OMMP that they are pursuing a retest. The same Notification of Reanalysis or Retesting of a Failed Sample Form (pdf) may be used. A copy of the retesting results must also be submitted to OMMP once received from the testing laboratory.

If a batch fails testing, it may not be destroyed without first obtaining permission from OMMP.

The form and copy of the test results may be sent to: