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Electronic filing

Whenever possible, file electronically 

E-filing is the fastest way to file your return and receive your refund. The speed and accuracy of computers allow electronic returns to be received and processed faster than paper returns, greatly reducing errors and delays. E-filing uses secure technology to ensure the safety of your personal information when it's sent to the IRS and the Department of Revenue.

Oregon participates in the IRS Federal/State E-file program. This program allows you to electronically file both your federal and Oregon returns at the same time. If you've already filed your federal return, you can still electronically file your Oregon return using Oregon free fillable forms. 

If you haven't tried e-file yet, why not this year? Join more than 2 million other Oregon taxpayers who electronically file their Oregon returns. You can take advantage of e-file in one of two ways:

1. Ask your tax preparer. If your tax preparer is an authorized IRS e-file provider, your preparer can electronically file your federal and Oregon returns. Many Tax-Aide and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) sites set up by the IRS are authorized IRS e-file providers.

2. Use online tax preparation software. You can file your federal and state returns from your home, work, or library computer using Oregon approved online tax preparation products. See below for a list of tax preparation products to use in preparing your federal and Oregon returns.

You may be eligible for free e-file. Several tax preparation software providers offer free online electronic tax filing. For free online tax preparation programs, please see Get free help filing your taxes, to check for eligibility. 

Approved Tax Preparation Software Products (prices vary)

Please contact the below listed software partners directly for any problems you encounter with their products or services. 

More products coming soon! 

For Free File offers from approved tax preparation software partners, please see our Get Free Tax Help page to check eligibility.

Frequently Asked Questions

​The federal identification number is 93-6001960.​

​You should receive acknowledgement from your tax preparer, or the software company used to file your returns.​

​If you want to change your scheduled payments, go to your Revenue Online account and select "Personal Income Tax" under "Accounts" at the bottom of the initial login screen. Once the next page loads you will select "View Scheduled Payments" from under "I Want To" on the right side of the screen. From there, a page will load with all the scheduled payments you currently have. You will see a "CANCEL" link if there is enough time left to cancel the payment.​

​If you file the other state's return electronically with the federal return, you can file the Oregon return separately. If you choose to file the Oregon return with the federal return, the other state's return must be filed according to the requirements of that state.​

​We can't help you with any specific software questions. You should contact the software company for assistance.​

​The substitute forms created by third-party software vendors might be slightly different than our printable forms. This won't impact the processing of your return. We have a list of third-party software vendors​ whose forms we've approved. ​

  • If you don't receive an acknowledgement after three business days, contact your tax preparer or your software company. It's their responsibility to pass this information to you.
  • We accept the date of the IRS electronic postmark as the filing date for your e-filed Oregon return. Don't send in a paper return.
  • If you owe money and need to make a payment, you can make a payment through Revenue Online. You can also download the Form OR-40-V​ and mail it in with your payment. Your payment must be postmarked no later than April 15 to avoid penalty and interest.

Oregon allows your federal PIN to be used as your electronic signature on the Oregon return.

​You need to amend your return. We accept amended returns electronically, but your software provider may not support this option.​

​2-D barcode filing is an alternative way to file an Oregon return on paper. Oregon-approved tax software packages are required to print a 2-D barcode on forms 40, 40N, and 40P. The 2-D barcode on the tax return is a “picture" of the information on the return, which is printed on the return's front page. A machine reads the barcode information so it doesn't have to be manually entered into our computer system. 

Don't make handwritten corrections or changes because the machine will reject your return. Make the changes on your tax preparation software and reprint your whole return including the updated 2-D barcode.​

  • ​​A copy of your federal return attached to your 2-D barcode return just as you would to a regular Oregon return.
  • Attach all other Oregon forms and schedules required to be attached to a traditional Oregon return.  Attach Form 40-V​, Oregon Income Tax Payment Voucher, and your payment to the front of your return if you have tax to pay. Exception: Don't attach Form 40-V if you pay with a credit card. ​

The due date for 2-D barcode returns is the same as for other types of returns.

​The 2-D barcode is printed on the first page of Form OR-40, Form OR-40-P, Form OR-40-N, and Schedule OR-WFHDC. It contains the information displayed on the lines of your tax return and can only be read by a machine. 

The following forms and schedules are also included in the barcode data: Form OR-10, Schedule OR-A, Schedule OR-ADD-DEP, Schedule OR-ASC, Schedule OR-ASC-NP, Schedule OR- DONATE, Schedule OR-529, Schedule OR-PTE-FY, Schedule OR-PTE-PY, Schedule OR-PTE-NR, Schedule OR-WFHDC-ST, Federal Form 1040, Federal Form 1040-SR, and Federal Schedules 1-3.​

​If you haven't mailed your return, you must re-print the entire return after you make changes. Print and send us the entire updated return to avoid unnecessary processing delays. Also, be sure to follow your software's instructions when making changes to barcode returns.
If you've already printed and mailed your return, you'll need to file an amended return.​

​Yes. The copy of the return you provide to your client must be an exact copy of the tax return you submit to us.​

​We may review any return, no matter how it is filed. However, the 2-D barcode tax software automatically helps to check your return for errors before you send it to us.​

File an Oregon income tax return for the decedent if they had enough income to require filing for the part of the year they were alive or if they're entitled to a refund.

Use the Oregon form that would have been used if the decedent were alive. The Oregon Individual Income Tax Return, Form OR-40, and instructions will help you determine which form to use. Be sure to check the "deceased" box.​

Direct File Oregon is a way to electronically file your personal income tax return with the Oregon Department of Revenue. Direct File Oregon is an interview-based software that allows most full year residents to file Form OR-40 original and amended returns through Revenue Online for free. 

Starting with tax year 2024, Direct File Oregon is linked with IRS Direct File. Taxpayers who log into their Revenue Online account will have the option to transfer their federal tax information from IRS Direct File to complete their original Form OR-40 personal income tax return. If you filed your federal return using a method other than IRS Direct File, you can still use Direct File Oregon by manually entering your federal tax return information. ​

For more information, including eligibility requirements, visit our Direct File Oregon webpage, or go to Direct File Oregon​ to get started.

Contact us

Phone: 503-378-4988 or 800-356-4222
TTY: We accept all relay calls.
Fax: 503-945-8738
