South Slough Reserve's immediate governing body is the South Slough Reserve Management Commission. The Commission establishes operating policies and administrative rules for the Reserve (
ORS 273.554). There are nine members of the commission who have been appointed by the Governor and serve as representatives of specific institutions, agencies, Tribes, and other constituencies.
The Management Commission reviews Reserve activities and proposed initiatives at meetings that are held three times a year and are open to the public.
The next meeting is: July 25, 2024 from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Contact Administrative Assistant by noon on July 24, 2024 to:
- Attend online and receive a Zoom link.
- Give spoken testimony. Please provide your name, address, and organization/affiliation, if any. Testimony will be heard in the order that requests for the meeting link are received. Public comments are for
consent and action items only.
- Provide written comments
Meeting Materials
Management Commission meeting materials from the past two years can be found below. Contact us for archived meeting materials.