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Administrative Rules

Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 543 - State Library of Oregon

Oregon Statutes authorize the State Library of Oregon Board to adopt rules that clarify and implement the statutory authority provided in ORS 357. The process that leads to this adoption of rules is as follows: 

Amendments and new rules are proposed and formulated by the State Library Board. Notice of Hearing for the proposed rule changes is given 28 days prior to the actual date of the hearing. A public hearing is held, public comment is heard, and proposed rules are either adopted or rejected. The adopted rules become law.

Proposed Rule 

The State Library has no open proposed rules at this time. 

Revisions/New Rules to OAR 543:

The State Library of Oregon submitted a Permanent Administrative Order changing the definition of the Statewide Summer Reading Program by removing Collaborative Summer Library Program Annual Summer Reading Program and replacing it with any national or statewide annual summer reading program. The State Library Board held a public hearing on August 14, 2020 and adopted the change of definition. The change of definition goes into effect August 18, 2020.
HB 2243, passed during the 2019 legislative session, authorizes the State Library Board to establish minimum conditions that a public library must meet to be officially recognized by the State Library as a public library. After passage of HB 2243, the State Library in collaboration with an Administrative Rules Advisory Commuttee drafted Oregon Administrative Rules with specific minimum conditions and procedures to support the legislation. The State Library Board held a public hearing on October 17, 2019 and adopted the Administrative Rules on October 18, 2019. HB 2243 and the associated Administrative Rules go into effect January 1, 2020.

Full-text of the adopted Administrative Rules: Oregon Administrative Rules 543-010-0003, 543-010-0035, 543-010-0036