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Public record requests

Information about public records

Please read through the information below before submitting the online request form. 

NOTE: ODF does not release information about active fire investigations. The latest information will be posted on the fire investigations page.

​Public record includes any writing containing information related to the conduct of the public’s business used or retained by a public body.

Public record does not include any writing unrelated to the conduct of the public’s business.

A public records request does not pertain to information readily available through the ODF website, published in an agency document such as a brochure, booklet, pamphlet, or other printed material readily provided to the public on a complimentary basis. A request for this type of information is considered a general request for information and can be submitted to

​To recover costs accrued in responding to public records requests, ODF charges fees as directed by the Public Records Law.

Fees vary depending on the actual time required to research and provide the information. Requests are submitted without payment. Once received, ODF will review your request and provide an estimate for any required fees. 

The State has a standard fee schedule​. Some of the more common fees are listed below:


There is no charge for the first 30 minutes of staff time. Charges are assessed for staff time including researching, locating, compiling, editing or otherwise processing information and records.

Fees for staff time:

  • $25 per hour for clerical level staff
  • $40 per hour for managerial level staff
  • $75 per hour for professional level staff

DOJ or other applicable legal fees are charged at the actual hourly rate set by statute ORS 192.​324​(4)(b), more information under resources.


See more information under fees for current price list for DAS State Printing and Distribution.

USB drive, CD or other media storage device

Actual cost according to statewide price agreement with provider of office supplies. Due to the threat of computer viruses, the department does not permit requestors to provide their own media storage devices.

Electronic transmission

There is no charge to send documents by email or other electronic transfer method.


The actual cost for delivery of records such as postage or courier fees.


$5.00 for each true copy certification. (Each document, not each page.)​​​​​​​

​ODF accepts credit card, check and/or money order.​ 

Payment processing information is provided to the requestor with the cost estimate invoice. ​

​A request for reduced or waived fees may be submitted in accordance with DAS Statewide Policy 107-001-030.

ODF will apply any reduced fees to the total cost estimate.​​

​ODF only redacts requested information where the Public Records Law​ requires. Examples include:

  • Information concerning litigation
  • Protected information about threatened and endangered species
  • Protected personal information (e.g., social security numbers, personal tax information, etc.)

In most instances, ODF will not redact information without advice from the Attorney General's Office.​

​All readily available documentation and existing records are subject to release per the Public Records Law

ODF cannot creat​e or manipulate documents or data in response to requests for public record. ​​​

Depending upon staff availability, the nature of the request, and the volume of records being requested all records requests will be filled as soon as practicable and without unreasonable delay.​

Looking for a public record? It may be already online.

  • Publications - Regularly updated agency fact sheets, guides, newsletters, etc.
  • Maps and data - All currently maintained agency maps and data sets.
  • Local ODF offices - Interactive map with all local ODF field office contact information.
  • FERNS - Notifications submitted by forest landowners to ODF prior to conducting forestry operations.
  • FIRES - Data and reports based upon wildland fire statistics on ODF protected lands.
  • Board and committees - Meeting notices, agendas, and notes from various boards and committees governed or staffed by ODF.


ODF may charge fees for public records in accordance with the DAS Statewide Policy 107-001-030.


Submit a public records request

Fill out the online request form. You will receive an automated confirmation email.


Public Affairs Program