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Motor Carrier Requirements to Operate in Oregon

Do I need Oregon operating authority?

You need to establish an account to operate in Oregon when:
  • Any one vehicle exceeds five temporary passes.
  • A motor carrier account exceeds 35 temporary passes within one twelve month period.
  • Operating trucks with a combined weight over 26,000 pounds.
  • Operating trucks weighing 26,000 pounds or less and hauling for-hire.
For a list of vehicles exempt from motor carrier regulation, see ORS 825.015 and 825.017.

Oregon Requirements

  • An Assumed Business Name and/or legal entity name must be on file with the Oregon Secretary of State, Corporation Division.
  • Contact our registration office with any questions.

Oregon Base State Requirements

To register as an Oregon-based business, you must:
  • Show proof of an Established Place of Business in Oregon:
    o Needs street address.
    o Open business hours.
    o Employee and records on premises.
  • Show proof of Oregon Residency:
    o Oregon Driver’s License.
    o Vehicle Titled in Oregon.
    o Utility Bills in Oregon.
    o Corporation Registered in Oregon.
    o Oregon personal income tax or Federal tax filed from Oregon address.
  • Register your commercial vehicle(s) weighing over 26,000 pounds at the heaviest loaded weight it will operate in Oregon during the year.
  • Pay an annual fee according to the appropriate fee table. See our File a Tax Report web page for more information.
Oregon-based motor carriers renewing their Oregon vehicle registration will be issued registration cab cards and stickers for the next calendar year and their weight-mile tax enrollment is rolled over for the next calendar year.

Reminder for 2024: HB 2007 Requirements Notice

Effective January 1, 2023 motor carriers located in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties with a medium-and/or heavy-duty vehicle powered by a 1996 or older diesel engine will not be able to register or renew their vehicle registration unless:
  1. Equipped with retrofit technology certified by Oregon Department of Environment Quality (DEQ).
  2. The motor carrier submits an Application for Diesel Retrofit Compliance Program Exemption (form 9997). Submit this form using your Oregon Trucking Online (TOL) account, by mail or in-person at a CCD Office.
This change was made during the 2019 legislative session, House Bill 2007. To find out what DEQ will accept as proof that a vehicle meets clean diesel requirements, visit the Diesel Retrofit Compliance Program web page.

Out-of-State Requirements

To register as an out-of-state business motor carrier, you must do the following.
  • A corporation needs the Corporate Certificate of Standing showing date and status of incorporation.
  • An LLC needs a copy of the articles of organization.
  • Complete an Oregon Weight-Mile Tax Enrollment Application (form 9076) — Out-of-State Vehicle Registration.
Out-of-state motor carriers with an established Oregon Motor Carrier Account will enroll their vehicle(s) by mail, phone or using Oregon Trucking Online (TOL). Carriers that enroll vehicles will receive a weekly list as confirmation for these additions. A vehicle is enrolled until the motor carrier cancels the vehicle's enrollment.

Interstate For-Hire and Private Requirements

  • Complete a Class 1A Permit Application (form 9745) and pay a one-time fee if based in Oregon.
  • Vehicles over 10,000 pounds need a U.S. DOT number.
  • Business or corporation registered.
  • Get a federal Taxpayer Identification Number.
  • Unified Carrier Registration over 10,000 pounds pay annual fees to fund safety and enforcement programs.
  • Name of drug and alcohol testing facility.
  • Meet federal insurance requirements.
  • Meet Oregon insurance requirements if your business is based in Oregon.
  • Surety Bond.
  • Motor Carrier Authority Application.
Note: Only Interstate For-Hire needs a Federal Certificate of Authority to be legal (Federal Motor Carrier Number-MC#).

Business Account Requirements

Register or Change a Business Name

  1. Complete an Application for Oregon Motor Carrier Account (form 9075).
  2. Complete Schedule A — Oregon IRP and IFTA Combined Application (form 9908), if participating in these programs. 
  3. Complete Application for 1A Permit (form 9745), if not already obtained.
  4. Completed application forms can be Submitted in person, mailed or faxed to either of the Commerce and Compliance Division Office locations.

Business Change of Ownership

An Oregon Motor Carrier Account Application must be submitted in the new ownership name so a new account can be established. Change of ownership examples include:
  • Individual or partnership to a corporation.
  • Partnership to an individual, etc.

Power of Attorney

A carrier must file a Power of Attorney Form (form 9654) when hiring an agent or reporting another service or person that is not an employee of the company to:
  • File applications for establishing accounts, taxes and registrations.
  • Prepare, sign and submit documents and checks that may be necessary for filing highway-use tax reports.
  • Sign highway-use tax bonds.
  • File renewal forms.
  • Direct correspondence and plates to another address.

Recordkeeping Requirements

See our CCD Recordkeeping web page for more information.

Other Services

Visit our Online Services web page for more information.
Greenlight Preclearance Program

Business Account and Operating Authority Forms

See our Forms Library for a complete list of forms needed to operate in Oregon.