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OR 99W (Pacific Highway) Paving Project: I-5 to SW McDonald Street

Construction Phase

Region 1: Portland metro and Hood River County (Portland, Tigard, Washington)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This project on OR 99W between I-5 and McDonald Street paved, built new sidewalks and bicycle lanes, upgraded sidewalk curb ramps, repaired bridges, and made safety improvements in the intersection with SW Johnson/Main Street.​

¿Hablas español? Tenemos información del proyecto disponible aquí en español.


Traffic Impact

Construction Impacts

Construction is almost complete with only minor construction planned to wrap up in the spring.  We plan to update this website detailing traffic impacts for the following week when the wrap up work begins in spring 2025. Read our project fact sheet to learn about work completed and view before and after photos. 
Project highlights of the $41 million investment on OR 99W between I-5 and McDonald Street in Tigard.

Before and After images

Sidewalk curb ramps at the intersection of OR99W and SW Park Street before and after ADA compliant upgrades.

Sidewalk along OR99W near SW 68th Parkway before and after new sidewalk and bike lane.
Sidewalk along OR99W near SW 68th Parkway before and after new sidewalk and bike lane.
Sidewalk along OR99W near I-5 before and after new sidewalk and bike lane.

Sidewalk along OR99W near I-5 before and after new sidewalk and bike lane.


Design Phase: 2019 - 2022
Construction Phase: spring 2023 through December 2024

As of January 2025:

  • Built over one mile of new sidewalk.
  • Upgraded 150 curb ramps and 24 new accessible pedestrian signals to comply with current ADA standards.
  • Built new bicycle lanes in both directions to fill in gaps on OR 99W between SW 65th Avenue and SW 72nd Avenue.
  • Added new bicycle detection sensors at signalized intersections.
  • Built a new crosswalk across OR 99W at the intersection with SW Main Street/SW Johnson streets.
  • Repaired and repaved nearly three miles of road surface along OR 99W from I-5 to McDonald Street.
  • Upgraded the traffic signal and built a dedicated left turn lane from SW Johnson Street to northbound OR 99W.



A $41 million investment in safe, accessible travel on OR 99W.
The project improvements increase safety and add connections for people who drive, bicycle, walk and use mobility devices. 

We created a fully connected sidewalk network in the corridor, smoother and safer road surface, increase bike lane connectivity, and reconstructed sidewalk curbs so they comply with Americans with Disabilities Act standards.
Project Area
The project area begins where OR 99W (Pacific Highway) crosses Interstate 5 near SW 64th Avenue. It continues along Pacific Highway south to SW McDonald Street in Tigard.
OR 99W Paving Map BORDER.png

​Project Elements
  • New Sidewalks: Build approximately one mile of new sidewalk. When complete, there will be a fully connected sidewalk network between I-5 and McDonald Street.
  • New Bicycle Lanes: Add new sections of bike lanes in both directions to fill in gaps on OR 99W between SW 65th Avenue and SW 72nd Avenue. Add new bicycle detection sensors at signalized intersections.​
  • Highway Paving: Repair and repave nearly three miles of road surface along OR 99W from I-5 to McDonald Street.
  • ADA Upgrades: Upgrade 150 curb ramps to comply with current Americans with Disabilities Act standards.
  • OR 99W intersection with SW Main Street/SW Johnson streets: Build a new crosswalk on the east side of the intersection. Upgrade the traffic signal and build a dedicated left turn lane from SW Johnson Street to northbound OR 99W.
  • Bridge Deck Maintenance: Install waterproofing, repair bridge joints and pave ​two bridges.

Intersection Improvements: OR 99W at SW Johnson Street/SW Main streets 
Build a new crosswalk on the east side of the intersection to improve pedestrian mobility. Build a designated left turn lane for vehicles heading north onto Pacific Highway. To improve traffic flow, a shared lane will allow drivers to continue straight to SW Main Street or turn right onto Pacific Highway. A rebuilt traffic signal supports these changes.
SW Johnson Street and SW Main Street intersection graphic at Pacific Highway showing  new crosswalk location and turn lane.


OR 99W | ​I-5 to SW McDonald Street

Cost and Funding

​The total project budget is $41 million.


  • A smoother, safer road surface.​
  • Fully connected sidewalk network.
  • Increased bicycle lane connectivity.
  • Curb ramps that comply with Americans with Disabilities Act standards.​

Additional Information

​​For Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or Civil Rights Title VI accommodations and/or translation/interpretation services, (503) 731-4128, TTY (800) 735-2900 or Oregon Relay Service​

¿Habla español? Podemos proveer la información en esta publicación en español. Para recibir la información en español por favor llame (503) 731-4128.​

Contacts & Media

Project Contact

Community Affairs Coordinator
Lili Boicourt

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Last Updated

1/23/2025 3:55 PM

Project Number


Project Documents

Related documents to this project
Factsheet_OR99WPavingProject_Spring2023.pdfFactsheet with information about the OR 99W Paving Project, including expected traffic impacts in 2023 and 2024.
Información_del_proyecto_en_español-Primavera2023.pdfEsta hoja informativa detalla el Proyecto de Pavimentación de OR 99W, incluye los impactos de tráfico esperados en el 2023 y 2024.
Factsheet_OR99WPavingProject_Fall2024.pdfFactsheet with information about the OR 99W Paving Project.
Información_del_proyecto_en_español-Otoño20242023.pdfEsta hoja informativa detalla el Proyecto de Pavimentación de OR 99W.
Wrap Up Factsheet_OR99WPavingProject_Winter 2025.pdfWrap up factsheet with information about the OR 99W Paving Project.