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U.S. 97 at Reed Market Road Operations and Safety Study

Planning Phase

Region 4: Central Oregon (Bend, Deschutes)

​We are preparing a study to analyze operational and safety improvements for a segment of the Reed Market Road corridor within the city of Bend from Brookswood Boulevard/Bond Street to 4th Street. 

Design Banner






​​​The Bend Transportation System Plan/Metropolitan Transportation Plan (TSP/MTP) update and the U.S. 97 Parkway Plan identified Reed Market Road as a critical bottleneck in the transportation system with several safety deficiencies. Both studies identified conceptual projects to improve conditions, and the city of Bend committed funding for several of them through the city's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and general obligation (GO) bonds. However, further refinement of those concepts was needed before they could advance to engineering design and construction.

The purpose of the U.S. 97 at Reed Market Road Operations and Safety Study was to:

  • Refine a set of complementary projects in the Reed Market Road corridor from Brookswood Boulevard/Bond Street to 4th Street.
  • Align project costs with available and anticipated funding.
  • Improve safety for all users.
  • Reduce congestion.​

US97-ReedMarket-StudyArea_r4 (002).png


U.S. 97 |

​Reed Market Road corridor within the city of Bend from Brookswood Boulevard/Bond Street to 4th Street. 

Cost and Funding



​Construction of the recommended projects will result in significant safety improvements, reductions in overall congestion, and lower levels of traffic stress for people walking and biking along the Reed Market Road corridor and surrounding key routes. The projects will also relieve one of the most critical future bottlenecks on the U.S. 97 Parkway, which will have significant regional mobility benefits.

Systemwide Benefits:

  • The number of vehicle hours of delay experienced during the peak afternoon two-hour period on an average weekday will decrease by about 60 percent.
  • Three street crossings on key routes will be improved, making it safer to walk and bike and easier to access transit service.
  • Shorter vehicle queues and a new traffic signal will significantly improve safety for all users.

Benefits at Intersections:

1.   Reed Market Road/Bond Street/Brookswood Boulevard

  • Reduces overall delay by more than 80 percent.
  • Reduces the length of westbound queues and keeps them from blocking the U.S. 97 interchange ramp intersections.

2.   Reed Market Road/Chamberlain Street

  • Improves safety and comfort for people walking and biking on the Chamberlain Street key route.

3.   Reed Market Road/U.S. 97 Southbound Ramps

  • Reduces conflicts between people biking and right-turning vehicles.
  • Improves safety by reducing the risk of vehicle queues spilling back onto the U.S. 97 Parkway.

4.   Reed Market Road/U.S. 97 Northbound Ramps/Division Street

  • Reduces overall delay by as much as 86 percent.
  • Enhances safety for people walking and biking and reduces high-severity angle crashes by 67 percent.
  • Reduces overall crashes by up to 45 percent by reducing left-turning movement conflicts between Division Street and the U.S. 97 northbound ramps.
  • The Phase 2 ramp realignment improves the acceleration distance for safer merging onto U.S. 97.

5.   Reed Market Road/3rd Street

  • Reduces overall delay by nearly 60 percent through the addition of separate left turn lanes.
  • Slows right-turning traffic, reduces pedestrian crossing distances, and protects bicycle crossings at this high-traffic intersection on the 3rd Street Key Route.
  • Reduces crashes involving people walking and biking by over 35 percent.

6.   3rd Strett/Brosterhous Road

  • Slows right-turning traffic, reduces pedestrian crossing distances, and protects bicycle crossings at this high-traffic intersection on the 3rd Street Key Route.
  • Reduces left-turning crashes by up to 99 percent.
  • Reduces eastbound vehicle queues and keeps them from spilling back to Reed Market Road.

Additional Information

​Now that the concepts from the Bend TSP/MTP and U.S. 97 Parkway Plan have been refined, they can be advanced to scoping, engineering design, and construction as funding becomes available. Some projects are already included in the city's capital improvement program (CIP) and Neighborhood Street Safety Program and have approved funding. This will allow improvements at the Bond Street/Brookswood Boulevard roundabout, Chamberlain Street, and Reed Market Road at 3rd Street to advance to design as early as 2024. The first phase of improvements on 3rd Street at Brosterhous Road may be completed by the end of 2023.

We have not identified funding for the improvements at the U.S. 97 ramp intersections. Next steps include seeking funding for scoping, design, and construction through upcoming Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (SITP) cycles.

Contacts & Media

Project Contacts

Project Leader
David Amiton

Community Affairs
Meghan Blyth

Last Updated

3/25/2024 2:14 PM

Project Number


Project Documents

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Reed Market Study Technical Memo 5.pdfReed Market Study Technical Memo 5
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US 97 Reed Market Study Final Report Attachments.pdfU.S. 97 at Reed Market Road Operations and Safety Study Final Report Attachments