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U.S. 97 Redmond-Bend

Project Completed

Region 4: Central Oregon (Bend, Redmond, Deschutes)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Corridor safety improvements



Phase 1 of the project is complete. 



This project addresses safety on a 9-mile corridor on U.S. 97 between the cities of Redmond and Bend. The design phase was completed in 2019, with construction anticipated to begin 2021. 

U.S. 97 between Redmond and Bend has a history of crashes that ODOT is trying to prevent in the future. Between 2011 and 2015, a total of 130 crashes were reported in the U.S. 97 corridor between Redmond and Bend. Ten of the crashes resulted in serious injuries or fatalities. Many of the reported crashes were lane departure crashes, sometimes resulting in high-speed head-on collisions.

Among the issues being addressed in this project are the high number of driveways that when combined with increased traffic volumes can result in more crashes, including  rear-end crashes. 

To address these issues, ODOT commissioned a traffic safety corridor study in 2015. The study, updated in 2018, analyzed crash data and recommended short to long-range improvement implementation options that could be accomplished relatively quickly  with existing funding.

Those recommendations have been incorporated into the project design in the following components:

1. Deceleration lanes at Quarry Avenue and 61st Street from US97 southbound
2. Acceleration lane from 61st Street to US97 southbound to provide greater merge distance
3. Rock outcropping removal near the edge of the roadway for improved visibility
4. Median barrier installation south of the Tumalo​ Road Interchange, and a turn around from US97 southbound to northbound.
5. Reflective pavement markers added for improved lane separation ​


U.S. 97 |

Project overview mapU.S. 97 MP 124.40-MP 133.39

Cost and Funding

​​$5 million (Includes construction funding of $4 million)

Contacts & Media

Project Contact

Community Affairs
Meghan Blyth

Last Updated

11/15/2024 3:07 PM

Project Number


Project Documents

Related documents to this project
Hwy97Safey Assessment2018_.pdfU.S. 97 Traffic Safety Assessment updated in 2018