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U.S. 97: High Bridge to Madras Safety Study

Planning Phase

Region 4: Central Oregon (Jefferson)

​​​​​​​​​This planning project will evaluate and prioritize safety improvements to U.S. 97 from High Bridge to Madras.​


Meetings and Events

open house symbol.jpgWe want to make U.S. 97 safer for all travelers and have been studying the causes of crashes. As part of our study, we're identifying areas with safety issues. Join us to learn more about the study and provide your feedback at our Open House!

When: December 9th, drop in anytime between 5:00pm and 7:30pm

Where: Madras High School Cafeteria- 390 SE 10th Street. Madras, OR 97741​


​Project planning start: December 2023

Final plan: expected January 2025​



​We are working on a safety study for transportation improvements to U.S. 97 from High Bridge to Madras in Jefferson County. U.S. 97 is an important route that serves both regional and local traffic and is in need of safety improvements. 

high bridge to madras map.PNG


U.S. 97 |

This project will study safety concerns along U.S. 97 between the High Bridge located on the Jefferson/Deschutes County line to the southern Madras City Limits (Milepost 97.3 to Milepost 112.6).​​

Cost and Funding



​To develop the safety study, we will look at conditions on the highway today and into the future, document public concerns, describe major needs, and solicit feedback from the community on potential projects.  At the end of the process, we will select the preferred ​projects for U.S. 97, pursue adoption with the Oregon Transportation Commission, and work to fund improvements.  ​

What Problem Will This Improve?

​This stretch of U.S. 97 has safety issues for all roadway users and has seen an increase in fatal and serious injury crashes over the last several years. ODOT and Jefferson County have made some intersection improvements to reduce crashes but a safety study is needed for a comprehensive list of projects in the corridor.

Contacts & Media

Project Contact

Transportation Planner
Ken Shonkwiler

Last Updated

11/7/2024 4:04 PM

Project Number


Project Documents

Related documents to this project
Roadway Characteristics & Safety Analysis.pdfTM#3 Roadway Characteristics & Safety Study
TM 4- Crash Countermeasure Toolbox FINAL.pdfTM #4 Crash Countermeasure Toolbox
US 97 HBM Draft Concepts.pdfDraft Concepts
US 97 Madras to High Bridge Access Management Methodology.pdfUS 97 Madras to High Bridge Access Management Methodology