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Women Veterans

Resources and Information

​The VA’s Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program (IPVAP) is committed to helping Veterans, their partners, and VA staff who are impacted by IPV. If you, or someone you know could be experiencing and/or using IPV - help is available.

For More Information: Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program (IPVAP)​

​The Center for Women Veterans has developed a survey designed to help understand why women veterans are NOT accessing their benefits and services. The survey is anonymous and takes less than 5 minutes to complete​.

For more information: ​Center for Women Veterans - Survey​

Hosted bi-annually by the Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairs, the Oregon Women Veterans Conference features inspirational speakers, informative seminars and breakout sessions, and opportunities to network with other women veterans and receive direct assistance in accessing earned benefits and other resources. Subscribe to emails to receive a notice when registration for this event is open or visit​ for more information.

​Through the Federal VA, veterans answer a series of questions to get customized step-by-step instructions on how to apply for a discharge upgrade or correction. 

If your application goes through and your discharge is upgraded, you’ll be eligible for the VA benefits you earned during your period of service.

Apply for a Discharge Upgrade​

“I Am Not Invisible” is a remarkable exhibition featuring 20 portraits of Oregon women military veterans. The project is the brainchild of PSU Veterans Resource Center Director Felita Singleton and ODVA Women Veterans Coordinator Elizabeth Estabrooks. After debuting Feb 24 at the Portland Art Museum, the exhibit began a traveling campaign, and will be appearing at various locations throughout the state.

For more information: I Am Not Invisible​
To Request IANI Exhibit: IANI Exhibit Request Form​

​The Center for Women Veterans’ (CWV) mission is to monitor and coordinate VA’s administration of health care, benefits, services, and programs for women Veterans.

They serve as an advocate for cultural transformation and to raise awareness of the responsibility to treat women Veterans with dignity and respect to #BringWomenVeteransHome2VA.

For More Information: Center for Women Veterans (CWV)​

According to the VA, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 8 men experience some form of sexual assault, harassment or rape on active duty, and  according to the Oregon Women’s Health Study, 59% of Oregon women veterans surveyed stated they experienced some form of sexual assault (including harassment) while on active duty. Further, some research suggests those identifying as LGBTQ are disproportionately exposed to military sexual trauma.

If you experienced any form of sexual assault, harassment, rape, or domestic violence while on active duty and still suffer mental or physical health problems today, you are eligible to receive counseling and services at the VA, regardless of discharge status, time in service, or disability status. You may also be eligible for service-connected disability benefits as a result of these experiences.

If you have not filed for benefits or you filed and were denied and would like to learn more about the changed rules regarding filing for these benefits, please contact your local VSO​ or the Oregon Women Veterans Coordinator.


Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence

VA Services for Military Sexual Trauma

MST and IPV Coordinators:


Guy Tyler, LCSW
(360) 696-4061 x31591

Aysha Crain, LCSW
(503) 220-3476


Tamera Dreier, MSW, LCSW
(541) 440-1000 x45199

White City

Brynne Johannsen, PhD
(541) 826-2111 x3046

Walla Walla

Jennifer Oetman, LICSW
(509) 525-5200 x26976


Wendy Coffman, LCSW, LMFT
(208) 422-1000 x4201

Women Veterans Program Managers advise and advocate for women veterans and can help coordinates all the services you may need, from primary care to specialized care for chronic conditions or reproductive health. 

Choose a location below to be directed to the webpage for the Women Veterans Program Manager at each site.

Portland VA Health Care System

Roseburg VA Health Care System

Southern Oregon Rehabilitation Center & Clinics (SORCC)

Walla Walla VAMC

Boise VAMC​

For more information: Federal VA: Women Veterans Program Managers

​The women veterans health care site offers health servicesvces and resources that women veterans have earned. This VA run site offers connections to primary care and comprehensive women's health services.

For More Information: Women Veterans Health Care​


ODVA Women Veterans Coordinator

To contact our office:

Call or text: (503) 576-9603



Did you know?

In the 1970s and 80s many contributions made by women in World War II were formally recognized through laws that granted these women with veteran status.
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