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Fingerprint Requirements

All new applicants for Polygraph licensure must provide fingerprints for state and federal criminal history record check.  All fingerprints are processed through Oregon State Police (OSP) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Please click on the links below to learn about the three fingerprinting options you have available for use:

Option One - Electronic fingerprinting via Fieldprint     

Submit electronic fingerprints via Fieldprint, Inc. Fieldprint provides all aspects of the fingerprinting process from electronic collection to sending the collected fingerprints to OSP/FBI for processing - eliminating the need for submission of a fingerprint card to the department. In addition, Fieldprint offers nationwide fingerprinting services within a reasonable distance from any location. Please visit:​ for more information and to schedule an appointment.

You will need to use this Fieldprint code when scheduling your appointment: FPPolygraphDPSST


  1. Be Sure to enter the correct Fieldprint code (code is listed above) when scheduling your appointment. Entry of an incorrect code will result in the rejection of your prints and you will be required to reschedule and repeat the fingerprint process; which will include repayment of the electronic fingerprint fee charged by Fieldprint Inc; and

  2. Once you have completed the process of scheduling an appointment with Fieldprint, Inc., you will be provided with a Confirmation Page. You must include a copy of your Confirmation Page with your application (Form PL-1) upon submission to DPSST.​​

Option Two - LiveScan fingerprinting     

Submit a LiveScan fingerprint card to the department. LiveScan is an inkless electronic fingerprinting method where fingerprints are scanned and saved as a digital image, then printed onto a fingerprint card. When done properly, LiveScan can have a greater success rate than the traditional ink method. However, LiveScan is not available in all areas. ​

Option Three - Traditional Ink Fingerprinting

Submit a completed ink and roll fingerprint card to the Program.