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Oregon Department of Agriculture Search Site

Record Keeping

Private applicator requirements

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulations require that private pesticide applicators keep records of their restricted-use pesticide applications.

  • The brand or product name and the EPA registration number of the restricted-use pesticide applied
  • The total amount of pesticide formulation applied
  • The size of the area treated
  • The crop, commodity, stored product, or site of application
  • The location of the area treated
  • The date (month, day, and year) treated
  • The licensed applicator's name and license number

These records must be maintained for at least two years.

Commercial, public, and consultant requirements

Commercial operators, public applicators, noncommercial applicators, and pesticide consultants making demonstration or research trial applications, must prepare and maintain records containing the following information:

  • The firm or person for whom the pesticide application was made: The full name, address, and phone number of the business, firm, or person who owns or controls the crop or property sprayed
  • The location of the land or property where application was made: The address of the site, or a geographic description of the application site, and the size of the area treated
  • The date and approximate time of application
  • The supplier of pesticide product(s) applied
  • The trade name and the strength of such pesticides applied: The EPA registration number of each pesticide product applied or the manufacturer, product name and formulation type of each product applied
  • The amount or concentration
  • The specific property, crop or crops to which the pesticide was applied
  • The summary information of equipment, device or apparatus used and, if applied by aircraft, the F.A.A. number
  • The full name and license number of the applicator(s), apprentice(s), and/or trainee(s) who applied the pesticides

Records must be maintained for at least three years from the date of application.

Refer to the Oregon pesticide application record requirements for details.

Apprentice and trainee requirements

Requirements are similar to those for public and commercial applicators, however records must also contain th e following:

  • Full name and license number of applying trainee or apprentice
  • Full name and license number of the supervisor
