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Developmental Disabilities Data

This page has data and reports from the Oregon Department of Human Services Office of Developmental Disabilities Services related to intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) services.

Senate Bill 710: Restraint and involuntary seclusion reports

Oregon Senate Bill 710 passed in 2021. It defines guidelines for the use of restraint and involuntary seclusion for children. This includes children who receive services ODDS' host homes and residential programs. It requires providers to submit quarterly reports on the use of restraints and involuntary seclusion.

These reports include a summary from ODDS and data from each host home and​ children's residential program.

Fiscal Year
and Quarter
Dates Reported
​Due to ODDS
Posted to Public
Report Link
​2022 Q1
​Sep 1 - Dec. 31
​Jan 7, 2022       
​Feb 1, 2022
​2022 Q1
2022 Q2
Jan 1 - March 31
April 7, 2022
May 1, 2022
2022 Q2
2022 Q3
April 1 - June 30
July 7, 2022
Aug 1, 2022
2022 Q3
2022 Q4
July 1 - Sep 30
Oct 7, 2022
Nov 1, 2022
2022 Q4
2023 Q1
Oct. 1 - Dec 31
Jan 6, 2023
Feb 1, 2023
2023 Q1
2023 Q2
Jan 1 - March 31
April 7, 2023
May 1, 2023
2023 Q2
2023 Q3
April 1 - June 30
July 7, 2023
Aug 1, 2023
2023 Q3
2023 Q4
July 1 - Sep 30
Oct 6, 2023
Nov 1, 2023
2023 Q4
2024 Q1
Oct 1 - Dec 31
Jan 5, 2024
Feb 1, 2024
2024 Q1
2024 Q2
Jan 1 - March 31
April 5, 2024
May 1, 2024
2024 Q2​
2024 Q3
April 1 - June 30
July 5, 2024
Aug 1, 2024
2024 Q3​
2024 Q4
July 1 - Sep 30
Oct 7, 2024
Nov 1, 2024

2025 Q1​
Oct 1 - Dec 31Jan 7, 2025Feb 1, 2025

Incident Management Team reports

Oregon Administrative Rule 411-415-0055 requires case management entities (CMEs) to document serious incidents related to individuals enrolled in I/DD services. CMEs must have an Incident Management Team (IMT) review all serious incidents, look for trends and submit quarterly reports.

Dates Reviewed
Due to ODDS
Report Link
Jan 1 - March 31
May 1
2023 Q1
April 1 - June 30
Aug 1
2023 Q2
July 1 - Sep 30
Nov 1
2023 Q3
Oct 1 - Dec 31
Feb 1
Q4 2023​

Previous year annual IMT report

Quality assurance reports

NCI-IDD is a national effort to measures and improve the performance of public I/DD agencies.

Adult In-Person Survey 2021-22

This survey is based on conversations with adults who receive case management and at least one paid service from the state.

Family Surveys 2021-22

These surveys focus on the experiences of adults and children with I/DD who live in their family's home, and the experiences of the family members who provide services. 

State of the Workforce (formerly "Staff Stability Survey")

This survey collects information about Oregon's direct support workers. This includes wage, benefit, turnover and demographic information. 

For additional data, see ​"Oregon Direct Support Professional Workforce Stability" on this page.

Data Highlights

This data comes from the NCI-IDD Adult In-Person Survey and Child Family Survey. Case management entities use the data with their case managers, local advisory committees and policy oversight groups.

Topical Analyses

This report analyzes how participants responded in the 2016–2019 NCI-IDD surveys. Topics included health indicators, case management services, loneliness and housing satisfaction.

This report examines the state of Oregon's direct support professional (DSP) workforce. It examines trends in DSP wages and turnover. This report uses data from the NCI State of the Workforce Survey. It focuses on provider agencies and DSPs who provide ​24-hour residential services to adults with I/DD.

ODDS is assessing equity within the I/DD system. This guide is a starting point to better understand how our system serves people differently based on race and ethnicity. We will use this data to address inequities within our system.