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Certification Training for Resource and Adoptive Families

Resource and Adoptive Family Training (RAFT)

RAFT is the foster care certification training curriculum for resource parents, relative resource parents, pre-adoptive parents and guardians.

Getting started

  1. Create a Workday Learning account to register for required training and track your learning.
  2. Complete prerequisite trainings before your first RAFT session.
  3. Register and complete RAFT within 12 months of becoming certified.
Learn how RAFT educates and empowers Course catalog


Before you take RAFT training, you need to complete the Orientation and Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse trainings.

There are two versions of the orientation. You should take the one that's right for you. The training is available through Workday Learning.

The Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse training is the same for everyone. It is also available on Workday Learning.

We also highly recommend you watch these videos before participating in RAFT:

Child Welfare system overview
Expanding your parenting paradigmor   Expanding your kinship parenting paradigm


Register for a statewide RAFT series using Workday Learning:

Session information and materials

RAFT is a 27-hour curriculum that takes place over nine, 3-hour sessions. Training includes videos, podcasts and facilitated slide presentations.

RAFT Participant Guide RAFT Guía del participante

Media ​P​​​​​lay​​​list


Theme 1 - Introd​​uction to​​​ Child Welfare

Theme 2 - Introduct​ion to ICWA/ORICWA

Media ​P​​​​​lay​​​list


Theme 1 - Child Development

Theme 2 - Attachment

Media ​P​​​​​lay​​​list


Theme 1 - Trauma-Informed Parenting

Theme 2 - Maintaining Children's Connections to Siblings, Extended Family and Their Community

Media ​P​​​​​lay​​​list


Theme 1 - Foster Care: A Means to Support Families

Theme 2 - Cultural Humility