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Ignition Interlock Device Program

The Oregon State Police is the regulatory authority of ignition interlock devices, interlock service technicians and interlock service centers throughout Oregon State. The ignition interlock program of the Oregon State Police is operated out of the Patrol Services Division and consists of law enforcement officers and support staff dedicated to interlock compliance and public safety.

A breath alcohol ignition interlock device (BAIID or simply IID) is attached to the ignition of a motor vehicle and is designed to prevent a motor vehicle from being operated by a person who has consumed an alcoholic beverage. When properly installed and calibrated, the IID will prevent a driver from starting a motor vehicle if the device detects a breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) above the prescribed setpoint.

Need an Ignition Interlock Device (IID)?  Below is a list of qualified companies that can satisfy your IID requirement.     

Alcohol Detection Systems
Phone: 866-479-1298

Phone: 888-260-3368 
Approved OHA Vendor

LifeSafer Ignition Interlock
Phone: 800-467-4076
 Approved OHA Vendor

Smart Start Inc.
Phone: 800-831-3299

Phone: 833-386-8233


Companies Authorized to Satisfy Oregon IID Requirements

​In addition to intoxicating beverages (i.e., beer, liquor, wine) alcohols can be found in consumer products, food and beverages in sufficient concentrations to be detected by the interlock device.  A violation may accrue if any source of alcohol above the legal limit is detected.  Your vehicle will not start if it detects any source alcohol above 0.020.

Potential Sources of Alcohol

  • Ethanol
    • Consumer Products: air freshener sprays, colognes and perfumes, deodorant, disinfectants, eye makeup, hand sanitizer, glass cleaner, hair spray, insect repellent, mouthwash and breath spray, nail polish and remover, OTC and prescription medications, pre-moistened towelettes, shampoos and soaps, sunscreen and suntan lotion, windshield washer fluid
    • Food & Beverage: Energy drinks, flavorings and extracts(e.g., almond, lemon, peppermint, vanilla), foods prepared with beer, liquor or wine (cooking may not remove 100%), vinegars
  • Methanol
    • Consumer Products: Adhesive removers, air fresheners, antifreeze, bug and tar remover, disinfectants, glass cleaner, insecticides, household pesticides, lock de-icer, windshield washer fluid
    • Food and Beverage: None, methanol is highly toxic (less than a teaspoon can cause blindness and less than a tablespoon is potentially lethal)
  • Propanol
    • Consumer Products: Adhesives, antiseptic, art supplies (e.g., dyes, fixatives, inks), colognes and perfumes, cosmetics, degreaser, leather conditioner, lotions, nail polish, shampoos and soaps
    • Food and Beverage: Energy drinks, flavorings and extracts (e.g., almond, lemon, peppermint, vanilla), vinegar
  • Isopropanol
    • Consumer Products: air freshener sprays, aftershave, antifreeze, body lotion, carpet and upholstery cleaner, colognes and perfumes, glass cleaner, hair spray, household cleaners, insect repellent, nail polish and remover, OTC and prescription medications, pre-moistened towelettes, rubbing alcohol, shampoos and soaps, sunscreen and suntan lotion, veterinary antiseptic and medical sprays, windshield washer fluid
    • Food and Beverage: Energy drinks, flavorings and extracts (e.g., almond, lemon, peppermint, vanilla), soft drinks

Check the labels of the items on this list that you use and avoid using them before and while operating an interlock-equipped vehicle. If you must use them, allow 10-15 minutes after use to allow for the alcohol to dissipate. Manufacturers recommend not smoking, eating or drinking anything while operating an interlock-equipped vehicle. If you have not consumed alcoholic beverages and have failed breath samples, contact your manufacturer's customer service department for assistance.

How to Satisfy You​r IID Requirement:

  1. Confirm your IID requirement date with Driver and Motor Vehicles (DMV).
  2. Select one of the Oregon qualified companies.
  3. Tell the IID company your requirement date and if you have been convicted of DUII or are in a Diversion Agreement.
  4. Follow the rules.
  5. Receive a No Negative Certificate at the end of your requirement.
  6. Contact DMV to ensure your IID requirement is lifted.
  7. Once all steps are complete, schedule a removal with your IID company.

​Know the Rules:

  • To start your vehicle, provide a passing breath sample.
  • Additional samples must be provided within 10 minutes.
  • You have 10 minutes  to provide a passing sample if the device records and alcohol violation.
  • The vehicle is required to have regular device servicing.

For more information about the rules, view our Oregon Ignition Interlock Device Program Brochure.

​​Diversion and Conviction Flow Chart​​​

​Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How long do I have to have an IID?
A: Diversion drivers have a minimum 1 year requirement. Conviction drivers have a minimum 1, 2, or 5 year requirement. These requirements remain on your driving record until a No Negative Report is properly processed.

Q: What is a No Negative Report?
A: A No Negative Report is a review of the device logs to ensure there are no violations. This review is normally the last 90 days of your requirement.
Q: Can I get my device out early?
A: Diversion drivers are allotted the opportunity to petition to the court for an early removal of their year requirement by receiving a 6 month No Negative Report. Conviction does not have an early removal opportunity.
Q: I don’t have a vehicle. Do I still need an IID?
A: An IID is required for any vehicle you operate on a public roadway. This includes rentals, friends or family cars. The requirement will remain on your driving record until a No Negative Report is processed.
Q: How much does an IID cost?
A: The overall cost of an IID is a combination of services provided, such as, installation, calibration and removal. Pricing varies from company to company. To find out how much an IID costs, you must contact the companies.

Q:Do you monitor the interlock?
A: Yes. The interlock manufacturer is required to send reports of your interlock usage electronically to DMV. If those reports indicate a failure to comply with interlock requirements, tampering, circumvention, or certain other violations, you will receive notification from DMV extending your original interlock requirement. 

Q: Why must there be a camera and GPS installed?
A: The camera must be mounted to the vehicle in such a way to maximize an image of the front driver and passenger seats. The device camera must capture a photo in each of the following circumstances: when a breath sample is requested; when a breath sample is submitted, when a test violation or device circumvention is recorded as described in ORS 813.599 and OAR 257-100-0050.

Q: Is the Camera taking a video of me?
A: No, the device camera must capture a still photo in each of the following circumstances: when a breath sample is requested, when a breath sample is submitted, when a test violation or device circumvention is recorded in accordance with ORS 813.599 and OAR 257-100-0050.  ​

You may be able to have your costs waived or deferred if:
​You are currently enrolled in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP Benefits) issued by the Oregon Department of Human Services.

For more information, please contact the Oregon Health Au​thority​​.

LifeSafer Ignition Interlock and SkyFineUSA are both Oregon Health Authority (OHA) authorized vendors.

​To confirm your Oregon ignition interlock device requirement dates or to receive more information regarding your Oregon driving privileges, please contact the Driver and Motor Vehicle Services at 503-945-5037 or go to​

To locate the applicable court associated with your ignition interlock device requirement, due to the conviction of Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants (DUII) or as part of a Diversion Agreement, please visit the Oregon Judicial Department​ for court contact information. 

​You may be enrolled or may be required to enroll in Alcohol and Other Drug Screening Specialists (ADSS) as a result of a Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants (DUII) or as part of a Diversion Agreement.

For more information, please contact the Oregon Health Authority​ or call 503-945-6213.

​Ignition Interlock Device Law Enforcement Training Video

Ignition Interlock Devices can be a useful tool to capture evidentiary information for a variety of criminal investigations.  To request specific information captured by an ignition interlock device, please complete and send the following form to

Law Enforcement Data Request Form

Note: Depending on the type of criminal investigation, a subpoena or search warrant my be required.


DISCLAIMER: Links to other sites are provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by the state of Oregon or Oregon State Police for any products, services, information, or opinions of the organization or individuals. OSP has no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content found within the external links. 
IID Logo 2021.png

Ignition Interlock Device Program
Oregon State Police
3565 Trelstad Ave SE
Salem, OR 97317
Phone: 503-934-0180

Have a complaint about an IID company or service Center? Fill out a Complaint Form

The below handbook provides the laws and rules regulating OSP's IID program. 

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