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Child Care Facilities

House Bill 2727 Background

In Oregon, the rules about where buildings can go, how they are constructed, and how they can be used may be affecting the number of places where early learning and care facilities are established. These rules include things like land use plans, limits on building or facility location, and the codes and permits needed to run a child care operation.

We are seeking input from childcare providers of all kinds across Oregon. This survey will collect feedback from child care providers who have experience going through the development process for a new or expanded child care business. We also need to hear from providers who have thought about or attempted opening a new business or expanding an existing one but decided not to move forward with the process for any reason. 

The 2023 Oregon Legislature passed House Bill 2727 directing the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) to take a look at strategies for expanding early learning and care facilities across Oregon. A large portion of this work includes a review of the barriers related to zoning regulations, building codes, and permitting and procedures.

DLCD has hired ECOnorthwest to conduct research, engage with the community, and prepare a final report alongside a project work group formed with help from The Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC). The final report will include recommendations to:

  • R​educe barriers to expanding early care and education (ECE) facilities.
  • Support the expansion of ECE facilities in Oregon.
  • ​Reduce disproportionate racial and regional disparities in access ECE facilities.

DLCD and DELC will convene a work group that includes participation by the Department of Consumer and Business Services, Building Codes Division and other parties prescribed by the bill to ensure best available data and representation of all Oregonians. Together, we will prepare a report for the legislature concerning the impact of zoning regulations, state and local building codes, and permitting practices that limit or support expansion of early learning and care locations.​

At minimum, the review must identify and analyze:

  1. Specific barriers and challenges to siting, building or renovating early learning and care facilities, including barriers and challenges for co-locating early learning and care facilities with affordable housing and other entities;
  2. Potential and actual disparate impacts that zoning regulations, building codes and permitting practices have on providers based upon diversity factors, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, language, provider type and geographic location; and
  3. Promising local, state and national standards for promoting the expansion of early learning and care facilities.
The report will summarize research and recommendations for local governments generally, for the legislature, and for the Governor's office and relevant state agencies. The report will also provide recommendations specific to the local governments participating in the work group. The report must include recommendations to:

  1. Reduce barriers to expanding early learning and care facilities.
  2. Support the expansion of early learning and care facilities in this state.
  3. Reduce the disproportionate racial and regional disparities in access to early learning and care facilities.​

Four work group meetings are expected to take place between February 1, 2024, and November 1, 2024.  A final report on the work group's findings and recommendations will be presented to the legislature by December 31, 2024.  Written public comment and input is welcome during all stages of the project.

The first work group meeting is scheduled for February 16th from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and will be available for the public to watch on our YouTube Channel.  Subsequent meeting dates will be updated here as they are scheduled throughout the project duration. ​​​​​​​​​​

The Oregon legislature has prescribed the work group composition to ensure affected Oregonians are represented in this work.  A list of work group members is available to view in the resource documents below.  The public is welcome to watch the work group meetings which will be held remotely and streamed for anytime viewing.

This work will include interviews and focus groups, in-depth research, and case studies from around the state. If you would like to be interviewed or suggest parties that we should reach out to, please contact DLCD staff.  

Past GovDelivery Notifications ​​

Sent April 1, 2024: Childcare Providers Asked for Feedback on Barriers to New Facilities​
Sent February 9, 2024: Meeting Announcement: HB 2727 Barriers to Child Care Expansion Work Group​
Sent October 25, ​2023: To Improve Permitting for Child Care Facilities in Oregon, Agencies Launch Study​

Sign up for GovDelivery notifications to stay informed.​​​



Angie Brewer, AICP
Central Oregon Regional Representative
Phone: 541-306-8530