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State Government Publications Information for Libraries

The Oregon Documents Depository Program distributes documents to its designated depository libraries throughout Oregon. This web page has information and tools to help depository libraries manage their Oregon Documents collections. However, any library may be a virtual depository by downloading bibliographic records for online documents in the Oregon Government Publications digital collection.

Shipping Lists

Each list shows the documents shipped, plus additional information about cataloging updates.

Bibliographic Records

Depository libraries are required to include records for Oregon documents in their online catalogs. The State Library provides two lists of MARC records for libraries to download:
  • Shipping List MARC records -- physical documents shipped to libraries
  • Monthly digital MARC records -- new digital titles cataloged each month

Resources and tools to help:

Oregon Documents Classification System

The Oregon State Library classifies Oregon Documents using the Oregon Documents Classification System, which classifies publications by the agency that produced them.

About the files

Help with editing MARC files - a suggested method for modifying MARC files for loading in local catalog systems using MarcEdit,  created by OSL staff.

Using OCLC Connexion to process records - a procedure developed by OIT library staff to process Oregon Depository catalog records that can be adapted for use with Repository catalog records.

Using OCLC Connexion to add Innovative Interfaces item records to Repository catalog records - courtesy of Hsiu-Ling Lin and Chris Haupt from OIT

OrDocs Shipping List Archive

Monthly digital MARC records

For more information
Heather Pitts 
Cataloging Services Librarian
