Q: Will Oregon join the Counseling Compact?
A: The Board is currently evaluating the potential benefits, challenges, and obstacles of joining the Counseling Compact. Those who have followed the Board’s public meetings know that the Compact has been an active topic of discussion over the past year. In early 2024, the Board requested legislation to be introduced in the 2025 Oregon Legislative Session to adopt the Counseling Compact in Oregon. However, several complex issues must be resolved before this can move forward.
One primary concern is that the compact’s language conflicts with Oregon’s Constitution, statutes, and policy (Oregon Administrative Rule). These conflicts need to be addressed in a way that upholds Oregon’s standards while allowing the Compact Commission to accept Oregon as a member. It is the Board’s prerogative to maintain recent efforts to streamline application processing and reduce barriers to licensure, including grandfathering concessions for older degrees, substitution provisions for coursework deficiencies, and relaxed standards for reciprocity applicants who have been licensed in another state for three years.
There are additional concerns about granting significant regulatory power to the Compact Commission, an external entity, and the logistical and financial implications of conducting out-of-state investigations. Implementing the Counseling Compact will involve substantial costs, including legal fees, additional personnel, and necessary system updates, which could lead to increased licensing fees.
While interjurisdictional practice compacts are often promoted as a way to increase the number of practitioners in Oregon, it’s important to remember that the Compact will also allow Oregon professional counselors to practice in other states, leaving the overall impact on Oregonians uncertain. This is an important initiative that the Board is carefully considering, in collaboration with stakeholders, to avoid unintended consequences. Ultimately, the decision to adopt the Counseling Compact in Oregon lies with the Oregon Legislature and Governor.