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General Practice Q&A

Below you will find helpful Q&A listed by topic.

Teletherapy / Interjurisdictional Practice
Q: As an Oregon LPC/LMFT, do I need a special certification to practice via telehealth?​
A: The Board do​es not require additional certification to practice teletherapy.

Q: I’m licensed as an LPC/LMFT in [insert other state] and have a client who will be staying in Oregon for some time.  Can I continue to provide them services via teletherapy?
A: Please visit our Limited Permit​ webpage to see if you may qualify.

Q: I’m licensed in Oregon but will be staying in [insert other state] for some time.  Can I continue to provide teletherapy to my Oregon clients?
A: As a licensee/registered associate/permitted practitioner, you are legally authorized to practice with your clients who are within the State of Oregon, either in-person or via electronic means.  However, please remember that state laws vary.  It is up to the jurisdiction where you will be physically located to determine if this is acceptable, as Oregon cannot regulate this aspect and cannot authorize practice within another state.

Q: I’m licensed in Oregon and my client will be traveling to [insert other state] for some time.  Can I continue to provide teletherapy to this client?
A: As a licensee/registered associate/permitted practitioner, you are legally authorized to practice with your clients who are within the State of Oregon via electronic means.  However, please remember that state laws vary.  It is up to the jurisdiction where your client will be physically located to determine if this is acceptable, as Oregon cannot regulate this aspect and cannot authorize practice within another state.​

Counseling Compact

Q: Will Oregon join the Counseling Compact?

A: The Board is currently evaluating the potential benefits, challenges, and obstacles of joining the Counseling Compact. Those who have followed the Board’s public meetings know that the Compact has been an active topic of discussion over the past year. In early 2024, the Board requested legislation to be introduced in the 2025 Oregon Legislative Session to adopt the Counseling Compact in Oregon. However, several complex issues must be resolved before this can move forward.

One primary concern is that the compact’s language conflicts with Oregon’s Constitution, statutes, and policy (Oregon Administrative Rule). These conflicts need to be addressed in a way that upholds Oregon’s standards while allowing the Compact Commission to accept Oregon as a member.  It is the Board’s prerogative to maintain recent efforts to streamline application processing and reduce barriers to licensure, including grandfathering concessions for older degrees, substitution provisions for coursework deficiencies, and relaxed standards for reciprocity applicants who have been licensed in another state for three years.

There are additional concerns about granting significant regulatory power to the Compact Commission, an external entity, and the logistical and financial implications of conducting out-of-state investigations. Implementing the Counseling Compact will involve substantial costs, including legal fees, additional personnel, and necessary system updates, which could lead to increased licensing fees.

While interjurisdictional practice compacts are often promoted as a way to increase the number of practitioners in Oregon, it’s important to remember that the Compact will also allow Oregon professional counselors to practice in other states, leaving the overall impact on Oregonians uncertain. This is an important initiative that the Board is carefully considering, in collaboration with stakeholders, to avoid unintended consequences. Ultimately, the decision to adopt the Counseling Compact in Oregon lies with the Oregon Legislature and Governor.

Requests for Legal/Clinical Advice
Q: Can I get legal or clinical advice from the Board?
A: Oftentimes, the Board’s website or staff may be able to direct individuals to relevant information such as applicable laws, rules, ethical code provisions, or official guidelines.  However, Board members and Board staff cannot provide legal or clinical advice.  It is not the role of Board personnel to perform analysis of the law or to research clinical standards and provide advice on how those apply to a person’s specific situation.  Such advice takes specific legal and/or clinical knowledge and extensive, time-consuming research and analysis work to ensure accuracy and consistency.  There are significant implications of offering such advice; it affects the rights and responsibilities of the Board and the recipient of the advice.  From a practical perspective, current resource and staffing levels would not allow for Board staff to respond to requests for legal and clinical advice from thousands of applicants and licensees.

LPCs, LMFTs, registered associates, temporarily authorized practitioners, and applicants have a responsibility to read, understand, and follow the American Counseling Association’s Code of Ethics, and to adhere to applicable laws and regulations.  A practitioner who encounters an area of uncertainty must take steps to follow an ethical decision-making model.  This includes regularly reviewing statutes, administrative rules, and ethical code provisions to ensure a strong foundational understanding.  Researching best practice as it applies to your situation and consulting with colleagues and/or legal counsel is also recommended.  Clearly document the steps that you took in order to resolve your issue, including what you learned from research conducted and discussions held.  Also, you are encouraged to check with your professional association, because many offer helpful advice services.​

Board Decisions

Q: Can I reach out to a Board member if I don’t like a decision coming from the Board office?

A: It is not appropriate to contact individual Board members to attempt to lobby for a particular position, for example a policy opinion or a past or pending decision of the Board on a compliance issue.  Board members are not able to speak as individuals about a Board matter or make any individual decisions outside of the full Board.  

Q: Can I get an exception?
A: Oftentimes, the Board must render decisions or provide information that some individuals may find unfavorable.  The Board is a governmental regulatory agency charged with setting certain standards and enforcing specified Oregon law.  State agencies cannot set standards and then choose not to apply them to just some individuals or decide not to follow the rules or statutes established by the Oregon State Legislature.  Such practices are not only unfair and arbitrary but are also illegal.  The Board and its staff cannot grant variances to law, rule, or ethical code provisions.  A somewhat common area of confusion is the expiration of licensure applications or lapsing of licenses for those who fail to complete the process.  While Board staff do put forth significant effort to strengthen awareness through advisory articles, web materials, and courtesy reminders, licensees, residents, and applicants are personally responsible for understanding and fulfilling the requirements to achieve and maintain professional licensure in Oregon.  Requests for exception to the administrative rules cannot be granted by the Board.

Q: Why won’t the Board to take a position on pending legislation that will benefit LPCs and LMFTs?
A: Many stakeholders are not aware of this, but the Governor’s Office requires that Oregon State agencies, including the Board, must not take a position on any legislation other than to support bills introduced by the Board itself or the Governor’s office.


​Q: Does the Board require licensees or registered associates to carry professional liability insurance?

A: No, the Board does not have any administrative rules or governing statutes that require any form of coverage. However, you may wish to consult with colleagues, a private attorney, or your professional organization for advice or guidance on what is the best approach for your situation.

Q: Can the Board office answer my questions about insurance coverage issues?
A: No. 

​Q: Can I advertise my business, service, or recruitment through the Board?
A: No.  MHRA and the Board are government regulatory entities that only post information related to other agencies or official licensing or regulatory-related resources.  We do not post advertisements, recruitments, or unofficial resources.







Stat_Inv_2023.PNGBelow is a yearly breakdown of investigative case outcome for all cases with final decisions from 2020 to 2023.

Stat_Inv_Outcomes_2023.PNG*The volume of revoked/surrendered disciplinary actions accounts for individual licensees/registrants. Some of these individuals had more than one investigative case number that led to imposition of the sanction.


Between 2019 and 2023, the Board denied 1 out of 6,461 licensure applications because of a criminal conviction.