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Administrative Hearings for I/DD Services

An administrative hearing is a chance to review changes or problems with your Developmental Disability Services.

An independent judge will listen and make a decision about your case.

You can ask for a hearin​g if:

  • Your services are:
    • Reduced
    • Denied
    • Suspended
    • Terminated
  • It has been over 90 days since you applied for services and you haven't got a decision.
  • It has been over 45 days since you asked for a service or item from your ​Commun​ity Developmental Disability Program, Support Services Brokerage or Children's Intensive In-Home Services provider.

You have the right to ask t​​​hat your services stay the same​​

If your services are changing, you will get a notice to let you know. This is called a Notification of Planned Action Form (form number SDS 0947). 

The notice will tell you:

  • What service is being denied, reduced, suspended or terminated
  • When the change will happen
  • The reason for the change​
  • What Oregon Administrative Rule applies to the decision

After you get this notice, you can ask for a hearing if you want your services to stay the same.

There are two ways to ask ​for a hearing.

Ask for a hearing verbally

You can verbally ask your service coordinator, personal agent or ODHS to set up a hearing for you.

If you want your services to stay the same, tell your service coordinator or personal agent when you ask for a hearing.

Ask for a hearing in writing

Fill out the Administrative Hearings Request Form (form number SDS 0443DD).​

Click this link to get the form.

  • If you want your services to stay the same, check “yes" in the box on the form that says, “Do you want your services to stay the same?"
  • Give the completed form to your service coordinator or personal agent. They can send it to us at the address below.
  • If you need the form in a different format, email us at​​

Send completed forms to:

Attn: ODDS Hearings​
500 Summer St NE, E-09
Salem, OR 97301

Fax: 503-373-7274


Steps in the hearing process

​1. Assign a hearings representative

Once we get your request, we will assign a hearings representative to work with you. They will be your contact during the hearing process.​ 

2. Informal phone c​​all

Your hearings representative will schedule a phone call to talk about your services. You can choose if you want to be part of this phone call or not. 

3. Sche​​​dule th​​e hearing

If you still want a hearing after the phone call, the hearings representative will schedule one. You will get ​a letter in the mail from the Office of Administrative Hearings with the date and time of your hearing.

4. Attend th​​e hearing

You must attend the hearing. All hearings are done on the phone unless you ask to attend in person. During the hearing, you can ask questions and present your side.

5. Final ​order

A​n Administrative Law Judge will make a decision about your case. You will get a formal response in the mail. This is called a Final Order.​​​

If you don't agree with the Final Order, you c​an appeal 

The Final Order you get in the mail will tell you how to appeal. Appeals happen in the Marion County Circuit Court.

Click this link for more information on Administrative Hearings (Oregon Law Help website)