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American Rescue Plan Act Project

ODDS received approximately $160 million from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). When matched with Oregon General Fund, roughly $400 million has been allocated for one-time expenditures in response to COVID recovery needs.

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About ARPA funding

ODDS teams up with partners to determine priorities for this funding, with legislature approval, and continues to work with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on some proposed projects.

The intent of this work is to expand capacity for home and community-based settings in a way that is aligned with the ODHS Equity North Star. ODDS is committed to spending this funding in a way that supports the Oregon Developmental Disabilities System's strategic plan.

The federal requirement is that all funding must be spent and reported by March 31, 2025. To meet that deadline, ODDS plans to spend this funding by March 31, 2025.

The application for most ARPA grants will go through OregonBuys, which is the state's e-Procurement system. Please make sure you're registered with OregonBuys. To help with registration, there is a registration quick step guide as well as full registration instructions. If you need additional registration assistance, please call the vendor help desk at 855-800-5046 or email

"" Download the project plan spreadsheet to learn more about funding opportunities, timelines and completed awards. The project plan is updated approximately once monthly.

 Updates and stories

​This is a list of ODDS director​'s messages in English that are related to ARPA. For all messages, including messages in additional languages, visit the ODDS Director's Messages web page.

 Grant information


Coming soon


​This grant funding opportunity will not be moving forward under ARPA due to compressed timelines. It will continue as a separate ODDS p​roject post-ARPA.​

Download the survey results summary

​​​​​​​​​​This $15 million of grant funding will have a significant impact on our system. This grant is intended to support a wide range of projects such as:
  • Start-up and rebuilding funding for Employment/day support activities providers
  • Start-up funding, training and technical assistance for culturally and linguistically specific providers for all services
  • Funding to enhance and grow all services for individuals with the highest support needs
  • Focused funding for capacity expansion in rural areas
  • Start-up funding for all types of provider agencies
  • Funding is based on an expectation of supporting appropriate wages and benefits for direct support staff.​

ODDS collected input through a survey to help create the funding design. 

Download the survey results summary​.

ODDS surveyed those who provide or receive ODDS funded nursing services on how to prioritize $1 million of the Capacity Restoration and Expansion grant funding. 

Download the nursing survey results summary

​​This is $10 million of funding that supports emergency readiness and preparedness for everyone receiving services in our system. It is structured to allow case management entities (CMEs) to distribute equipment and supplies to participants to best meet individual and local needs.

For individuals receiving services, self-advocates, family members, providers, partners or others who have questions about how the funding is being distributed in your area, please contact your local community developmental disabilities program (CDDP) or support services brokerage​.

​​​This funding is for a contractor to design, create and build upon existing core competency online training modules for employment professionals. This includes updating and modernizing current training materials in an online format.

  • All details, requirements and qualifications are available in this Request for Proposals (RFP) for bid solicitation number S-10000-00009460.
  • RFPs are due by 3:15 p.m. on March 18, 2024​​.
The single point of contact for this RFP is Procurement and Contract Specialist Coral D. Ford. Send all questions directly to Coral at​ or call 503-508-6471.

​​​​This funding is for home modifications to ODDS-licensed 24-hour residential home agencies, adult and child foster homes. These are not for home modifications that are covered under K-Plan or waiver services. The provider must own the home they are submitting an application for, and ODDS may request proof of ownership. These grant awards are to be used to improve accessibility of homes that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) currently reside in or might in the future. The goal of these grants is to improve the lives of people with I/DD and increase their independence.

Grant applications are due September 21, 2023. Please read the following documents for more information about grant guidelines, timeline, how to apply, and more:

​​​​​​​​​ODDS will have $3 million available to help develop infrastructure and provide resources for Oregon's 45 Community Developmental Disabilities Programs (CDDPs) and Brokerages. ODDS surveyed partners to gather input on how best to design this grant opportunity. 

Download the survey results summary​

​​​​​​​​​​​​This funding is for innovative solutions to increase service equity for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities who experience barriers in accessing services and supports. This includes people of color and those who identify as LGBTQIA2S+. ODDS plans to issue multiple awards from this Request for Proposals with a maximum of $150,000 each.

Download the survey results summary​.

​​The Mentoring and Technical Assistance Program was created to provide technical assistance to help Medicaid-enrolled provider agencies improve their services. The funding for this part of the program is to compensate provider agencies selected as mentors at $75 per hour. ODDS is accepting applications for provider agencies interested in being mentors.

​​The Mentoring and Technical Assistance Program was created to provide technical assistance to help Medicaid-enrolled provider agencies improve their services. Medicaid agency providers and foster care providers seeking support can apply to be matched with a mentor and receive technical assistance on a variety of topics relevant to any ODDS services. Entities wanting help in becoming an ODDS provider can also apply.

​​This Request for Proposals (RFP) is to address the need for more nursing capacity within Oregon’s intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) system. This project will fund a contractor to provide labor market research, create a marketing and recruitment strategy plan, conduct recruitment efforts and provide technical assistance for various types of nursing care services.​​

  • All details, requirements and qualifications are available in this Request for Proposals (RFP) for bid solicitation number S-10000-00009594 on OregonBuys.
  • RFPs are due by 3 p.m. on April 1, 2024.

The single point of contact for this RFP is Procurement and Contract Specialist Coral D. Ford. All questions must go directly to Coral at​ or call 503-508-6471.

​​This Request for Proposals is to develop, organize and manage training in a digital, on-demand format as part of the Employment First initiative. This project is to convert a curriculum designed for a classroom setting into an online learning format.​​

  • All details, requirements and qualifications are available in this Request for Proposals (RFP) for bid solicitation number S-10000-00009599 on OregonBuys.
  • RFPs are due by 3 p.m. on April 1, 2024.

The single point of contact for this RFP is Procurement and Contract Specialist Coral D. Ford. All questions must go directly to Coral at​ or call 503-508-6471.

​​​​​The Project SEARCH Grant Agreements for Transition-Age programs funding opportunity​ is meant to support transition-age individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). Specifically, it supports transition from school to getting competitive integrated employment.​

The single point of contact for this funding opportunity is Procurement Specialist Russell Brammer. All questions must go directly to Russell at or 503-910-5020.​

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Self-Advocacy Innovative Projects is $1 million of funding meant to strengthen self-advocacy for people with I/DD receiving ODDS services. Part of the funding is for a self-advocacy reimbursement program for qualifying self-advocacy activities and events.

  • All details, requirements and qualifications are available in this Request for Proposals (RFP) for bid solicitation number S-10000-00006610. You must be logged in to OregonBuys to view the RFP.
  • Proposals are due Jan. 26, 2024 ​by 3 p.m.

The single point of contact for this funding opportunity is Procurement Specialist Louie Thomas. All questions must go directly to Louie at or 971-283-4755. 

ODDS previously conducted a survey that collected input from self-advocates, families, partners, and more to help in developing the funding design.

Download the survey results summary.

​​​​This funding is for educational institutions to pilot ODDS’s Introduction to Supported Employment Curriculum. The goal is to help train current and prospective job coaches and employment providers to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). ODDS is currently accepting applications from accredited community college institutions, accredited public or private colleges or universities, or public school districts in Oregon.​​

  • All details, requirements and qualifications are available in this Request for Proposals (RFP) for bid solicitation number S-10000-00009404.
  • Applications will be accepted continuously and evaluated in two openings. First-round applications are due by 3 p.m. on March 11. Second-round applications are due by 3 p.m. on April 12, 2024.

The single point of contact for this funding opportunity is Procurement Specialist Russell Brammer. Send questions directly to Russell at​ or call 503-910-5020.

​This funding is to provide training reimbursement for registration and subscription costs for trainings relevant to supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. ODDS Medicaid agency providers, foster care providers and independent contractors who provide ODDS services are eligible f​or these reimbursements. The total budget for this program is $400,000.

  • All details are available in transmittal DD-IM-24-019.
  • Requests must be submitted by Dec. 31, 2024, and funding is available on a first come, first served basis until exhausted. ​

​This $1.9 million funding supports efforts of the Nine Federally Recognized Tribes of Oregon to expand or enhance Home and Community Based Services.​​

The goals of the funds are to:

  • Strengthen partnerships between ODDS and the Nine Tribes of Oregon while respecting and upholding Tribal sovereignty.
  • Improve Oregon services and resources for Tribal members who experience I/DD.
  • Increase access to culturally and linguistically specific activities, information, materials and resources.

The application ​is open through Dec. 31, 2024.