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Oregon Transportation Plan

About the Plan

The Oregon Transportation Plan will guide our transportation system for the next 20 years. The plan was last updated in 2023 and adopted by the Oregon Transportation Commission on July 13, 2023. See the plan documents below, and find additional plan implementation information on this site. 

The OTC-ODOT 2021-2023 Strategic Action Plan is a three-year roadmap designed to accelerate change toward specific outcomes that address Oregon's most significant transportation challenges. It represents the joint vision of the Oregon Transportation Commission and our department to provide Oregonians with a safe, equitable, modern and well-funded transportation system. The plan revolves around three priorities—equity, a modern transportation system, and sufficient and reliable funding. These priorities set the overall direction for the agency, and include underlying goals that focus our work. 


Email Adam Argo
Project Manager
Telephone 503-986-3510

EmailEmailEmailEmailStacey Goldstein
Deputy Project Manager
Telephone 503-986-3531

Email Michael Rock
Transportation Planning Unit Manager
Telephone 971-304-5187

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