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National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program in Oregon

NEVI intro graphic.pngLatest updates - June 2024
  • NEVI Frequently Asked Questions - July 9, 2024
  • We issued Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) for the Round 1 NEVI work on Interstate 205, US 97, and Interstate 5 south of Eugene on June 13th, 2024. Applications are due on August 9, 2024 by 5:00 PM PDT
  • Only those applicants who previously qualified through our 2023 competitive request for qualifications process are eligible to apply for the Round 1 NEVI NOFOs.
  • If you were not pre-qualified in the initial request for qualifications process but would like to be considered for the future NEVI rounds, contact We plan to issue criteria for pre-qualification prior to Round 2.
  • Note to applicants: ODOT will give preference to applicants who provide either executed site host agreements, or a letter from the site host owner, demonstrating that the sites are available for the entire length of the five-year NEVI agreement. Documentation must cover constructing, installing, operating, and maintaining EV charging stations on Oregon's NEVI Round 1 roads in accordance with 23 CFR 680 and all applicable state and federal laws. 

Past Updates

  • May 2024: To roll out NEVI faster and more cost effectively, we transitioned from our previous plan - a Design-Build-Operate-Maintain contract - to one that will deliver NEVI as a competitive grant program for each road.
  • October 2023: We completed the first step of the NEVI work solicitation process, the Request for Statements of Qualifications.
  • September 2023: The Federal Highway Administration approved our “Round 3" plan for NEVI funding. Read the approval letter PDF. (Note: We've changed how we describe the NEVI program from “years" to “rounds" since our plan was approved. See the revised “Overview by rounds" section on this webpage for more information.)
  • Spring 2023: We launched an online open house that details the first round of the NEVI projects (referred to as Year 1 NEVI projects on those webpages.)

How to apply for the NEVI Round 1 funding

Important: Only those applicants who previously qualified through our 2023 competitive request for qualifications process are eligible to apply for the Round 1 NEVI NOFOs. Applicants are strongly encouraged to review all attachments and reference documents prior to submitting their applications.  

Step 1: Download and review the following documents 

Step 2: Register for a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)  
A UEI is required to receive federal funds and are issued by Federal Contracting Services. If you do not already have a UEI, please follow the steps to start your SAM registration.

Step 3: Prepare Application  
All forms should be in a searchable PDF format unless otherwise noted. Applicants are required to include the following forms in their applications 

  • Attachment 3 – Technical Application and Response Form 
  • Attachment 4 – Cost Proposal Form (XLSX Format)  
  • Attachment 5 – Sample Grant Agreement 
  • Attachment 6 – FHWA 1273 
  • Attachment 7 – Conflict of Interest Form 
  • Letter from Bank or Financial Institution  
  • Copy of Signed Site Host Agreement OR; 
    • Letter From the Site Host Owner OR;  
    • Information on Sites Under Consideration   
  • Current W-9 Form  
Step 4: Submit Application  
Once you have completed Step 3, you must submit your application material via ODOT's NEVI Cognito Application Portal.

Next Steps:
We intend to make conditional awards the week of September 2nd, 2024. Successful applicants will be notified by email and the conditional awards will be posted to the ODOT NEVI webpage.

About the NEVI program 

The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program is a federally funded program that will establish a nationwide network of public EV fast charging stations in all 50 states over five years along major highways and interstates. The funding is part of the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Oregon will receive $52 million over five years from the NEVI program. The program requires 20% matching funds from states, meaning Oregon will ultimately have about $65 million under the NEVI program.

The NEVI program runs over five funding years: 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026. Each year, a portion of Oregon's $52 million is distributed by the federal government. 

In total, we anticipate developing or upgrading about 50* fast charging stations in Oregon under the NEVI program.

*This is an estimate and may change depending on project and material costs.

ODOT's role in the NEVI program

We will manage the NEVI program in Oregon as a competitive grant and ensure it funds charging stations that meet federal standards and Oregon's EV charging goals. ODOT does not own, install, operate or maintain any of the NEVI charging stations; pre-qualified private companies will complete that work.

Private EV charging companies pre-qualified for NEVI work (as of June 2024):
  • APEX Mechanical  
  • Blink Network  
  • BP Products North America 
  • eCamion USA, InC (Jule)  
  • Electric Era Technologies Inc (PowerNode)  
  • Electrify America  
  • EV Charging Solutions (EVCS) 
  • EV Gateway 
  • In-Charge Energy  
  • Kunert Electric  
  • NextEra Mobility  
  • Pilot Travel Centers  
  • Red E Charging  
  • Rivian  
  • Skychargers  
  • Sustainable Energies Corporation 
  • Tesla 
  • Trillium Fuels  
  • Universal EV  

Overview of planned NEVI grant funding rounds

The NEVI program runs for five funding years, 2022-2026. Each year, the federal government distributes a portion of Oregon's total $52 million NEVI funding.  

As of spring 2024, the federal government has distributed the 2022 funding to Oregon, and we're approved for the forthcoming 2023 and 2024 funding distributions. (The NEVI program had a delayed start, hence why the funding years do not match the years in which the funding is distributed.) 

Round 1 Funding

Funding round dates: Opened June 13th, 2024. Applications are due on August 9th, 2024 by 5:00 PM PDT.

Expected work start date: 2025.

Oregon roads included in Round 1:

  • Interstate 5 south of Eugene.
  • Interstate 205
  • U.S. Highway 97.

Total expected number of stations installed: 12.

More informationOnline open house about the Round 1 work.

Round 2 Funding

Funding round dates: To be determined.

Expected work start date: To be determined.

Oregon roads included in Round 2:

  • Interstate 84.
  • Interstate 82.
  • U.S. Highway 20.

Total expected number of stations installedTo be determined.

More information: Online open house not yet available.

Round 3 Funding

Funding round dates: To be determined.

Expected work start date: To be determined.

Oregon roads included in Round 3:

  • U.S. Highway 26.
  • U.S. Highway 101.
  • Interstate 405.

Total expected number of stations installedTo be determined.

More information: Online open house not yet available.

Round 4 Funding

Funding round dates: To be determined.

Expected work start date: To be determined.

Oregon roads included in Round 4:

  • U.S. Highway 95.
  • OR Highway 42.

Total expected number of stations installedTo be determined.

More information: Online open house not yet available.

Round 5 Funding

Funding round dates: To be determined.

Expected work start date: To be determined.

Oregon roads included in Round 5:

  • Not yet determined. We may use Round 5 funding to develop other roads approved by the federal government or develop more charging stations along roads from previous NEVI funding rounds. 

Total expected number of stations installedTo be determined.

More information: Not yet available.

More details about our state plan for NEVI funding

In 2022 the federal government required each state to create a five-year plan for the NEVI funding. Each year they also require states to update their plan with more details about future work and submit them for approval. 

As of spring 2024, the federal government has approved our state plans for NEVI funding rounds 1, 2 and 3. Links to PDFs of each plan: 

*The Round 2 state plan is the same as the 2022 Round 1 plan. The federal government approved both in their initial 2022 plan assessment. 

Note: In 2024 we changed how we describe the NEVI program work from “years" to “rounds", but the state plans predate that change. See the revised “Overview of planned NEVI grant funding rounds" section on this webpage for more information. 

NEVI station design in Oregon: the Quad Pod

Each NEVI charging station will have a minimum of four DC fast charging ports capable of providing at least 150kW simultaneously. We’re also aiming for at least one port to deliver more than 150kW. DC fast charging ports can charge up EVs quickly; some newer EV models can charge from 10-80% in under 30 minutes.


The federal government has extensive standards and requirements for NEVI charging station design. Some highlights include:

  • CCS connectors for each port, with the option for additional permanently attached connector types.
  • 24/7 station availability.
  • Multiple payment methods, including contactless credit/debit cards and phone/SMS. Payment methods must be accessible to people with disabilities.
  • No membership requirements.
  • Five-year maintenance plans with service from qualified technicians.

Read the full NEVI standards and requirements on the federal register website.

Where the NEVI stations will be located

The NEVI program has rules about EV charging station locations:

  • Stations must be no farther than 50 miles apart from each other.
  • Stations must be located within one mile of an interstate or highway exit.
  • Stations must be placed along roads designed as “EV alternative fuel corridors." (More on that below.)

The private EV infrastructure companies awarded grant funds will determine final charging station locations along each road.

EV alternative fuel corridors are roads approved by the federal government on which states may use federal NEVI funding to build EV charging stations. Oregon has 11 roads designated as an EV alternative fuel corridor: Interstates 5, 82, 84, 205 and 405; US Highways 20, 26, 95, 97 and 101; and OR Highway 42. ODOT may propose additional roads for designation over the next five years.

Read more about alternative fuel corridors on the Federal Highway Administration website.

Get involved with our NEVI work

We're committed to involving Oregon's communities in our plans over the five-year NEVI funding timeline. Our plan is to engage with people throughout the state, including EV drivers and advocates, businesses, rural communities, Tribes, utilities, and others.

Join our mailing list

The easiest way to get involved with our NEVI work is to sign up for our EV infrastructure email list. We send regular updates to subscribers, including opportunities for webinars, listening sessions, surveys, and more.  Sign up for our EV infrastructure mailing list.

Use our interactive map

We have created an interactive map for you to show us where you'd like future EV charging stations. Click the map below to open a new browsing tab and place a pin on the map.  

mapNEVI.PNGWe will share your anonymous map input with our private contractors who are installing and operating the NEVI charging stations. The data will help them choose the best locations for the chargers.

Explore our online open houses

In spring 2023 we launched an online open house for the Round 1 NEVI work. It has virtual “stations" you can visit to learn more about the work on each of the Round 1 roads. Check out the online open house.

We plan to create similar online open houses for each round of the NEVI program, and we'll email folks when they go live. Links will also be in the “overview of funding rounds" section of this webpage.

Take our quick survey

We created a short, anonymous survey to help us understand the needs of our communities. We'll use the feedback we collect to inform our work, and we'll also share your input with the companies we select to install and maintain the NEVI charging stations.

Start the survey by choosing which statement applies to you: 

Learn about our past engagement work

We've done a variety of outreach to communities for the Round 1 work, and the NEVI program in general. Read about the specifics in the “Community Engagement Outcomes Report" section on page 14 of our Round 3 NEVI state plan PDF. 

More Resources 

NEVI state plan information webinars archive

In 2022 we hosted two public webinars about our plans for the NEVI funding.

Note: some of the information in these webinars was based on draft rules written by the federal government. Our final NEVI state plans may have slightly different information than was presented here.

October 2023 listening sessions archive

In October 2023 the ODOT Climate Office held two virtual listening sessions to gather industry and public feedback about our transportation electrification work, including the NEVI program.

Oregon's future charging needs

In 2021, we completed a study to help understand Oregon's needs for public EV charging over the next 15 years: the Transportation Electrification Infrastructure Needs Analysis. Learn more about the study at that link or read the executive summary of the study's findings.   

Why we support NEVI investments in EV charging infrastructure

Electric vehicles that are partially or fully powered by electricity emit far fewer air pollutants than vehicles powered by gas or diesel. That is important because those pollutants, particularly greenhouse gas emissions, harm our health and make climate change worse.

In Oregon, transportation is responsible for about 35% of total greenhouse gas emissions. More EVs on our roads means fewer emissions, healthier communities, and a better future for Oregon and the planet. Our data says that by 2050, we're on track to reduce emissions from transportation about 60%. Learn more on our transportation emissions website.

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