Built in the 1960’s, the Randy Papé Beltline Highway from River Road to Delta Highway is one of the most congested places in the Eugene/Springfield area. To build on the Beltline Facility Plan (2014), we are developing concepts to improve safety and travel times on the Beltline Highway from River Road to Delta Highway.
The Beltline Facility Plan recommends several projects to improve safety and mobility in this area. (See Facility Plan Map on the right) Together, these projects would widen Beltline Highway to three lanes in each direction from River Road to Delta Highway, replace the River Avenue/Division Avenue interchange, and add a new local bridge north of the highway. The projects could be constructed in phases or as separate projects.
In fact the Beltline/Delta Interchange Project has completed construction, you can find more information on the project page.
The environmental study (NEPA clearance) has been approved by Federal Highway Administration.
We don’t currently have funds identified for next steps but are actively looking for funding opportunities including grants.
OR 569Cost and Funding
$5 million for engineering and environmental study. Funding has not been identified for construction.