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OR 99E: Downtown Halsey Roadway Improvements

Construction Phase

Region 2: Willamette Valley and Northwest Oregon (Halsey, Linn)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​We're making roadway improvements on OR 99E through Halsey.

Banner: Slow down, in the work zone it could save lives. Building a modern transportation system to help Oregon’s communities and economy thrive. During construction, Give yourself more time, try a new way or mode to get there or take a different route.


Traffic Impact

Expect lane closures and delays with flaggers controlling traffic near the railroad crossing on the south end of town 24/7.

Construction Impacts

You can expect:

  • Crews working Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Construction noise, delays and debris.
  • Reduced speed limit in the work zone to 25 mph – use caution.
  • Flaggers helping control traffic near the railroad crossing ​on the south end of town 24/7.

Construction Activities

​We are working on the westside of the roadway between O Street and Seefeld Drive. 

​Construction is estimated to complete in 2024.

Visit TripCheck​ for the most current traffic information.​

​Pedestrians, including those with disabilities, will have access through or around work zones. ​

work zone construction iconPay attention in the work zone, slow down and move over – imagine this is where you work! 

Always drive safely, watch for construction signs and workers. 

Remember: fines double in all Oregon work zones, whether workers and signs are present or not. ​​​



Beginning at American Drive and extending to the south city limits, this improvement project will cover nearly a mile and pass through downtown Halsey. 

Proposed improvements include:

  • Repairing or replace damaged concrete panels under highway asphalt.

  • Adding travel and bike lanes. 

  • Connecting the existing sidewalks within city limits. 

  • Upgrading pedestrian crossings to current ADA standards.

  • Installing stormwater treatment facilities. 

  • Landscaping.

  • Streetscaping to calm traffic on the highway through downtown. 

  • Building intersections that accommodate truck traffic where appropriate. 

At the completion of this project, roadway users will experience improved pedestrian and bike access to the downtown district. ​


Design: 2018 - 2021
Construction: 2022 - 2024


OR 99E | ​​American Drive to south city limits​ of Halsey​​

Cost and Funding

​Estimated project cost is $15,355,745 for design and construction​

Contacts & Media

Project Area Map

Project Contacts

Resident Engineer
Steve Schultz

Public Information Officer
Mindy McCartt

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Last Updated

9/17/2024 8:24 AM

Project Number