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OR 18 Fort Hill Road to AR Ford Road

Design Phase

Region 2: Willamette Valley and Northwest Oregon (Willamina, Polk)

​​We're studying OR 18 and OR 22 to recommend a design plan that improves safety and reduces congestion in the area.

Banner image: Designing a Modern Transportation System and Investing in Oregon’s Future.



Whether you are a community member headed to work or school, a truck driver delivering goods, or a tourist headed to the coast or casino, safety and convenience are critical for your trip on OR 18 and OR 22. This area has seen increasing traffic and a relatively high rate of crashes. 

Enlarge MapThis planning and design process aims to:

  • Improve safety on OR 18 and OR 22.

  • Improve mobility along OR 18 and OR 22.

  • Support the community and economic development in the area.

  • Recommend improvements to keep this route usable in emergency situations.​

You can watch a video​ showing a fly through overview of the design. 

Project tasks include:

  • Developing a Facility Plan.

  • Updating the environmental assessment.

  • Conducting a right-of-way survey.

  • Preparing engineering plans and estimates.

Issues to be addressed:

This project addresses issues we have heard from the community in recent years, including:

  • OR 18 (the Salmon River Highway) experiences heavy traffic.

  • Summer weekend traffic is especially heavy, creating considerable delays.

  • The amount of traffic on OR 18 makes it difficult for drivers to turn left from OR 22 (Hebo Road) to OR 18 and to turn left from Grand Ronde Road to OR 18.

  • Freight traffic has been using alternatives to OR 18, which can pose safety issues on local roadways.​

  • More crashes are happening with drivers crossing over the middle line into on​coming traffic or rear-ending cars ahead of them along this stretch of OR 18 and on local roadways.

What is a Facility Plan?

A “Facility Plan” looks at a particular roadway facility and decides what needs to be improved and how to improve it. We are focusing on OR 18 in this Facility Plan, and we are also considering OR 22 because it intersects in the project area. We are following a five step planning process to develop a solution that addresses these goals.

Background information:

This project and a proposed interchange at the OR 18 and OR 22 Valley Junction were identified in the 2004 H.B. Van Duzer Forest Corridor to Steel Bridge Road Environmental Assessment (EA) and corridor refinement plan. This effort was initiated to address both safety and congestion concerns on OR 18 between the eastern portion of the Van Duzer Corridor and Steel Bridge Road east of Wallace Bridge.

The Communities of Grand Ronde, Valley Junction, and Fort Hill are located on OR 18 in the H.B. Van Duzer Forest Corridor. The Spirit Mountain Casino and Resort is a major tourist destination and a major employer on the corridor. This segment is a vital link between the Willamette Valley and the central Oregon coast that serves local, commuter, commercial and recreational traffic.

​Past Meetings and Events

  • Online Open House | August 16 - September 13, 2021
  • Virtual Event | September 9, 2021
  • Online Open House | May 10 - June 11, 2021
  • Virtual Event | May 19, 2021


Currently working on the Facility Plan 


OR 18 | Between mileposts 22 and 24, and on OR 22 from milepost 23.1.

Cost and Funding

Design costs $4.5 million

Access for pedestrians, including those with disabilities, will be available and identified through or around work zones.

Contacts & Media

Project Focus Area

Project Contacts

Resident Engineer - Consultant Projects
Brennan Burbank

Public Information Officer
David House

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Last Updated

12/23/2024 10:29 AM

Project Number