We plan to widen I-5 to have three lanes in both directions from Kuebler Boulevard to Delaney Road. We're working on Phase 1 of the larger project. We're widening a portion of southbound I-5 between Kuebler Boulevard in South Salem and the Delaney Road interchange. This helps address the southbound bottleneck and traffic congestion on I-5 when large trucks climb the hill between milepost 249.5 and 248.9 south of Salem. Phase 2 will widen the northbound I-5 lanes, but we do not have funding for construction at this time.
The project was part of an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) that was done in the mid-1980's for the entire I-5 corridor through Salem from the Hayesville Interchange to Battle Creek Road. The EIS was approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and ODOT in 1988.
This phase will do the following:
Obtain Right of Way for the entire project corridor (both southbound and northbound).
Replace a bridge over the Commercial Street northbound off-ramp.
Rebuild and realign the southbound Delaney Road off-ramp.
Replace and realign the Battle Creek Road over-crossing bridge.
Pave the existing section southbound and northbound.
Widen I-5 southbound from Kuebler Road to Delaney Road to three lanes.
Build two sound walls on the west side, one near the terrace lake park community and another along the southbound commercial street on ramp.
Design: 2019-2023
Construction: started in 2024 and estimated to complete in 2026.
Kuebler Boulevard, Exit 252 to just south of Delaney Road, Exit 248
Cost and Funding
Phase 1 estimated cost of $56 million.