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All Roads Transportation Safety Program (ARTS) - Portland Metro Area

Construction Phase

Region 1: Portland metro and Hood River County (Beaverton, Portland, Tigard, Tualatin, Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Central and West ARTS projects improve safety at over 200 intersections on major roads in the Portland metro area. ​


Traffic Impact

Short-term lane, shoulder and sidewalk closures at multiple intersections at once.

Construction Impacts

Saturday, February 15 – Saturday, February 22
  • Daytime shoulder closures at the intersection of OR 35 and OR 282.
  • Nighttime flagging on OR 99W at 68/69th Ave, OR217 ramps, and at Walnut & 1st Ave.​​​
Work will occur at multiple intersections at once. Traffic impacts at any given intersection will last from one to seven days. 

  • ​Nighttime single or multi-lane closures in construction areas. 
  • Periodic nighttime road closure up to 20 minutes with traffic lights disabled at some intersections. Watch for flaggers dir​ecting traffic. 
  • Sidewalk closures with ADA-compliant pedestrian detours. 
  • Short-term bus stop relocations.​
  • Temporary on-street parking restrictions. 

Noise Impacts During Construction

To minimize traffic impacts during the day, some night work is required. Those working or living in the area may hear the noise from heavy equipment, construction trucks, beeping noise when vehicles are in reverse (required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration), and equipment such as concrete saws, drills and jackhammers.

ODOT will apply construction noise mitigation measures to reduce noise impacts to surrounding neighbors. Use the 24/7 nighttime noise hotline to reach a live person to discuss any noise concerns: 503-412-2346



The ARTS Program aims to reduce serious crashes at various intersections on state highway and on local roads. Intersections typically have high rates of crashes. 

West Metro ARTS
​Construction for West ARTS project starts in August 2024. 

The West Metro ARTS program will improve safety at approximately 100 intersections on major roads on the west side of the Portland metro area. Improvement corridors include U.S. 30, Tualatin Valley Highway, Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway, Barbur Boulevard and Sunset Highway (see all corridors on the map below). 

Central Metro ARTS
​Construction for Central ARTS project started April 2023 and finished in December 2024.

The Central ARTS program improved safety at intersections and streets in the central Portland metro area. Improvement corridors included U.S. 30 Bypass, Powe​ll Boulevard (U.S. 26), Foster Road, and Interstate 205 (see all work areas on the map below).  Work finished in December 2024.

ARTS Central Metro Area Map

East Metro ARTS
​Construction for the East ARTS p​roject finished in 2023.​

The East ARTS project improved safety on both ODOT and Clackamas County roads where a high concentration of crashes occurred. The over 60 intersections included in this project were on OR 99E, OR 213, OR 224, OR 211, Oatfield Road, Sunnybrook Boulevard, Sunnyside Road and Johnson Street Boulevard.

Improvements included upgrading traffic signals, lighting, signing and striping and a new intersection flashing beacon.​

Washington County ARTS
​Construction for the Washington County ARTS project began in March 2024

Visit the Washington County ARTS website​ for more information.


N/A | Region-wide

Cost and Funding

These projects are funded through the federal Highway Safety Program. 


Safety Improvements

The All Roads Transportation Safety (ARTS) Program ​identifies intersections where a high concentration of crashes occur and then implements systemic improvements, or proven, low-cost measures that help reduce these crashes. ​

Typical measures include improving sight distance by removing tree limbs and other obstacles; adding advance-warning signs such as “Stop Ahead”; or installing reflective traffic signal heads with backplates, which help road users more quickly find and observe the traffic signal that applies to them. These projects also reconstruct ADA curb ramps to current standards improving accessibility for all users. ​Work will include: ​

  • Sight distance improvements, such as removing tree limbs. 
  • Traffic signal installation and improvements. 
  • Curb ramps meeting Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. 
  • Street lighting improvements.
  • New, improved signs and striping

Additional Information

​Habla ustéd español? Podemos proveer la información en esta publicación en español. Para recibir la información en español, por favor llamé al (503) 731-4128.

For Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or Civil Rights Title VI accommodations, translation/interpretation services, or more information call 503-731-4128, TTY 800-735-2900 or Oregon Relay Service 7-1-1.

Contacts & Media

Project Contact

Community Affairs Coordinator
Lili Boicourt

Last Updated

2/14/2025 2:13 PM

Project Number


Project Documents

Related documents to this project
ARTS-Central-Metro-Intersections.pdfARTS Central Portland Metro Intersection List
ARTS_Central_Factsheet_2023_FINAL.pdfARTS Central Metro Area Factsheet Spring 2023
ARTS_Central_Factsheet_April_SP 1-FINAL.pdfApril 2023 Factsheet - Spanish
ARTS-West-Metro-Intersections.pdfARTS West Portland Metro Intersection List