Construction began in January 2022 and was completed in October 2022.
See our fall 2021 project fact sheet here.
We have completed safety improvements to the Barbur crossroads area where SW Barbur Blvd, SW Capitol Hwy and SW Taylors Ferry Rd meet. Project safety elements included a new wider sidewalk, accessible sidewalk curb ramps, pedestrian countdown signals, new illumination, new bicycle markings across three intersections, as well as a slight change to traffic operations to reduce vehicle crashes. The top priority of this project was to improve safety.
To improve safety for those traveling by vehicle, we prohibited left turns for vehicles traveling northbound on SW Capitol Hwy at the SW Barbur Blvd intersection. Drivers may no longer turn left from SW Capitol Hwy onto SW Barbur Blvd or the I-5 south on-ramp.
See the project map below for the locations of the project improvements:

Why not add a protected left turn signal?
As this is a complex set of intersections, our traffic engineers completed a holistic analysis of the Barbur crossroads area, weighing different options with the goal of reducing crashes. We looked closely at an option to add a protected left turn at the SW Capitol Hwy at SW Barbur Blvd intersection for traffic heading north on SW Capitol Hwy. The traffic analysis for this scenario showed a substantial increase in congestion on streets surrounding this intersection.
OR 99W
SW Barbur Blvd at SW Capitol HwyCost and Funding
$2,975,700 from All Road Transportation Safety (ARTS) funding
This project is expected improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers. It will introduce a slight change to vehicle operations at the intersection of SW Barbur Blvd and SW Capitol Hwy to reduce crashes and ensure drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists are taking the safest paths available. What Problem Will This Improve?
The intersection of SW Barbur Blvd at SW Capitol Hwy is in the top 10% of the statewide Safety Priority Index System (SPIS). There have been at least 161 crashes in the intersection since 2008, 16% of which are directly related to northbound traffic on SW Capitol Hwy turning left onto SW Barbur Blvd or the I-5 southbound freeway on-ramp
and 51% of these crashes were rear-end or side swipe crashes.
Additional Information
For ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) or Civil Rights Title VI accommodations, translation/interpretation services, or more information call 503-731-4128, TTY 800-735-2900 or Oregon Relay Service 7-1-1.
Si desea obtener información sobre este proyecto traducida al español, sírvase llamar al 503-731-4128.
Qorshayaasha, adeegyada turjumaada/fasiraada, ama wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah ee ADA Title II ama Xuquuqda Madaniga Title VI wac 503-731-4128, TTY (800) 735-2900 ama isticmaal Adeegyada Gudbinta Wararka: 7-1-1.
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