Updated Nov. 15, 2024:
We began designing an intersection improvement project for:
- SW Court Avenue and SW First Street.
- SW Dorion Avenue and SW 10th Street.
In March 2024, as part of our design process, we covered the existing traffic signals and installed two-way traffic control, monitored traffic for 90 days and sought public comment. We extended our traffic monitoring through the summer.
In response to your comments and our observations, we reactivated the signals at SW Dorion Avenue and SW 10th Street in time for the Pendleton Round-Up. The traffic configuration at SW Court Avenue and SW First Street stayed in the new configuration.
The open house on Nov. 20 is a culmination of the months-long traffic study and comment period about the future of these two traffic signals in Pendleton. We will give an overview of how we got here, what we learned and outline our next steps for these intersections.
U.S. 30
- SW Dorion Avenue, eastbound, milepost 2.91.
- SW Court Avenue, westbound, milepost 3.32.
Cost and Funding
The current project estimate is $800,000 through preliminary engineering, right of way and utility relocation.