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U.S. 97/Baker Road Interchange Area Management Plan

Planning Phase

Region 4: Central Oregon (Deschutes)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ODOT is preparing an Interchange Area Management Plan (IAMP) to evaluate how the existing U.S. 97/Baker Road interchange operates and to determine what measures are needed to keep it functioning well over the next 20 years.


Meetings and Events

Virtual Public Meeting June 9, 2021 (recording and presentation)
June 2021 Outreach Summary

Committee Meetings

The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) will meet approximately four times, and the Executive Steering Committee (ESC) will meet approximately three times. Three CAC meetings and one ESC meeting have already been held.  Past meeting materials can be reviewed in the project document section below. Materials and a link to join the meetings will be available one week prior to each meeting.


​Fall 2020 to Spring 2022

Baker Rd IAMP Schedule 1_10_22.png



US97/Baker Road Interchange

The U.S. 97/Baker Road interchange is about 30 years old.  When it was constructed, it served sparsely developed rural lands south of Bend. It supported freight traffic passing between U.S. 97 to the south and U.S. 20 to the east. Bend's population is now nearly four times greater,  and Bend's urban growth boundary is expected  to abut the interchange within 20 years.

Increasing urban growth  has created congestion and traffic safety issues in the interchange area, and there are few facilities for people walking or biking. These issues will intensify as  growth in Bend continues to move towards the interchange. To address these issues, the management plan  seeks to achieve the following:

  • Ensure the safe and efficient operation of the interchange area for all modes of travel through the 20-year planning horizon.
  • Identify transportation improvements, management strategies and land use/policy actions needed to support planned development.

The project team is developing goals, objectives and evaluation criteria for the U.S. 97/Baker Road IAMP to guide development of solutions for the interchange area. to ensure they are in keeping with stakeholder values.

The project will involve state and local jurisdictions, including Deschutes County and City of Bend, as well as community stakeholders and interchange users.


U.S. 97 |

Deschutes County 

​Study Area Map

​The study area is where changes in land use would have measurable effects on traffic volumes at the U.S. 97/Baker Road interchange. When setting the study area boundaries, the team considered the proximity of the interchange to locations where significant future housing and employment growth are expected. Future growth immediately to the northeast and further east out to SE 27th Street is expected to have a significant impact on interchange traffic volumes.

Cost and Funding


Contacts & Media

Project Contact

Senior Transporation Planner
Don Morehouse

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Last Updated

1/10/2025 7:47 AM

Project Number


Project Documents

Related documents to this project
Baker Rd Interchange Area Management Plan Map.pdfProject Area Map
Community Advisory Committee Meeting 2 Agenda_May 4 2021.pdfCommunity Advisory Committee #2 Agenda
Community Advisory Committee Meeting 2 Presentation_May 4 2021.pdfCommunity Advisory Committee #2 Presentation
Executive Steering Committee Meeting Presentation_Feb 23 2021.pdfPresentation for Bend Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board Meeting which acts as the Executive Committee
Executive Steering Committee Meeting Agenda_Feb 23 2021.pdfAgenda for Bend Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board Meeting which acts as the Executive Steering Committee
Project Advisory Committee Meeting 1 Agenda_April 5 2021.pdfProject Advisory Committee #1 Agenda
Project Advisory Committee Meeting 1 Presentation_April 5 2021.pdfProject Advisory Committee #1 Presentation
Technical Memo 1 (Final) - Project Definition and Background.pdfTechnical Memo #1 (Final) - Project Definition and Background
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Virtual Public Meeting Presentation_2021.06.09.pdfPresentation for virtual public meeting on June 9, 2021
Public Outreach Summary and Attachments June 2021.pdfPublic outreach summary conducted in June 2021 including an online open house and public meeting
Community Advisory Committee Meeting 3 Agenda_October 27 2021.pdfCommunity Advisory Committee #3 Agenda
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Baker IAMP Public Involvement Strategy (2021).pdfBaker IAMP Public Involvement Strategy (2021)