Great Streets Background
Great Streets is a funding program that addresses safety improvements and increases access to walking, biking, and transit. It focuses on “main streets" in communities around the state. We're launching this program with $50 million of flexible federal transportation funds from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Initial investments will be limited to highway corridors that the state owns and manages. This first round of funding will serve as a proof-of-concept so we can learn more in developing future versions of the program.
Our investment decisions need to optimize outcomes in the areas of climate and social equity. Project applications should clearly identify direct and indirect climate and social equity impacts of a project through quantitative and qualitative measures. In addition, the Governor's Executive Order on Climate (20-04) requires that greenhouse gas emissions must be considered as part of project selection.
As a proof-of-concept, the initial investment in the Great Streets program will study opportunities and barriers to a comprehensive funding program for the state highways that serve as both arterials and main streets through communities. Project selection will ultimately be the first step in understanding gaps to success for a larger comprehensive program in the future.
Outcomes, or goals for the program, will focus on main streets and urban arterials and projects that improve walking, bicycling, andtransit access. Projects must also demonstrate ODOT's vision for modern transportation facilities through these areas. Great streets is a comprehensive corridor investment program focused on investments that are broader than current program categories. The Project Review Team will evaluate and select fewer projects with greater impact for communities.
Here are examples of improvements that might be funded:
Access management measures | Lighting
Bicycle facilities
| Pavement repair |
Bus stop shelters and benches
| Sidewalks |
Crosswalk improvements
| Storwater and water quality facilities |
Intersection improvements
| Street trees |
Lane reduction and reconfirgurations
| Street furnishings |
Corridor refinement and facility planning
| Traffic calming or speed reduction features |
Projects selected for Great Streets fundingProjects selected for Great Streets funding provide insight into the needs for building a future corridor scale investment program based on a data-driven approach. The Project Review Team (PRT) recommended the project list for approval by ODOT Director Kris Strickler and the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) for adoption into the 2024-2027 STIP or subsequent STIP cycles as applicable.
This project extends the sidewalk upgrades and protected bike lanes to connect to the north-south bicycle network on N Denver; replaces an existing right turn “slip lane” with green stormwater treatment areas and a pedestrian plaza; and improves intersection safety and timing.
This project adds high-visibility crosswalks, new sidewalks and bike lanes on W Chocktoot Street; adds a multiuse path and stormwater treatment swales along Chiloquin Boulevard; realigns intersections for improved safety and visibility; and partners with the city to install pedestrian scale lighting, street trees, street furniture, art, and gateway treatments. This project leverages a federal grant to incorporate climate-friendly construction techniques and methods.
New transit shelters and accessible bus stop features, sidewalk infill, two new crossings, and a continues bike lane will be constructed in conjunction with intersection upgrades already approved for Safe Routes to School funding.
How Were Projects Selected?ODOT's regional staff submitted project proposals in coordination with local communities and transportation agencies.
The primary objective of proposed projects must improve safety and multimodal access on state highway corridors that also act as community main streets. Project selection will focus on fewer and more impactful projects. Things like facility planning, design development, and construction projects are eligible for funding. Regions are encouraged to submit projects in larger urban areas as well as smaller communities.
Does the project satisfy the primary objective of the Great Streets Program – to improve safety and multimodal access on a state highway corridor that also acts as a community main street?
Is the project part of an adopted plan?
A Project Review Team will evaluate eligible projects in six outcome areas on a 200-point scale.
- Safety (50 pts) – What are the safety risk factors for roadway users – high speeds, vehicle volumes, distance to cross the street – that will be improved? Does this road have a history of fatal and severe injury crashes involving people walking, biking, or taking transit
- Multimodal Accessibility (50 pts) – Does the project expand access to public transportation and to the local active transportation network?
- Equity (25 pts) – How does this project reduce barriers for historically excluded communities?
- Climate Mitigation (25 pts) – How does this project directly and indirectly mitigate greenhouse gas emissions?
- Local Support and Engagement (20 pts) – What has the engagement process been to-date, and what is the planned level of community engagement through project completion? Does the local community support the project?
- Leverage Opportunities (10 pts) – Can this project be combined with another federally-funded project? What level of funding support is the local agency providing?
- Project Readiness (10 pts) – What is the project certainty from a cost and risk perspective?
- State of Good Repair Status (10 pts) – What improvements are needed to existing corridor infrastructure, and will those assets be upgraded as part of this project?
How can I provide feedback or learn more about the Great Streets Program?
You are encouraged to contact Great Streets Program Manager, Alan Thompson, or sign up for updates on the Great Streets Program
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