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Special Event Licensing

CAMP is now live for Alcohol Licensing

All licensing processes must now be completed using the online CAMP platform

Exciting news - CAMP for Alcohol Licensing is officially live! Effective immediately, we no longer accept paper applications for annual licenses or special events. All applications must be submitted through our innovative online platform.

Note: The new Local Government Recommendation form is now available, with separate versions for Annual Liquor Licenses and Special Event Licenses. Please make sure that you are using the correct form. If you already had your paper application endorsed, you may upload the scanned endorsed copy as your local government endorsement during online application in CAMP.

 More about CAMP

Special Event Licenses allow a business that holds an annual liquor license; an individual; or a group; to sell and serve alcohol at a special event.

A Special Event License is needed at special events when:

  • Alcohol will be sold;

  • Alcohol is available (but not being sold), and you are charging or accepting donations for admission, or where payment is required to attend the event.

A liquor license is needed at special events where:​

  • ​Alcohol will be sold.​
  • Alcohol is available (but not being sold), and you are charging or accepting donations for admission, or where payment is required to attend the event.

A liquor license is NOT needed at special events where: 

  • You are making alcohol available, but there is no payment or purchase required, and no donations of money are accepted, for alcohol, or for entry/admission, or for any other product or service. An example is a wedding reception where you make alcohol available, but you don't require payment or purchase and don't accept donations of money.​​


If you have an annual liquor license, please select your license type:  

A Special Event License allows the sale of distilled sprits, malt beverages, wine, and cider for drinking within a licensed area. It also allows for the sale of manufacturer-sealed containers of malt beverages, wine, and cider, for drinking off-site of the licensed area. 
Forms (New for CAMP)

  • Operational Plan - For any event with 501 or more attendees. This form needs to be completed and uploaded as part of your online CAMP application.
  • Event Map - For events with 501 or more attendees OR any outdoor event. This form needs to be completed and uploaded as part of your online CAMP application.


​​If you need help, please contact your local OLCC Office: OLCC Office Locations

NEW Local Government Recommendation Form
Note: There are separate versions for Annual Liquor Licenses and Special Event Licenses. Please make sure that you are using the correct form. Section 1 must be completed by the applicant, and section 2 must be completed by the local government, before applying with the OLCC. Once you receive a response from the local government, you will need to upload that documentation as part of your online CAMP application.

Additionally, some local governments provide their own documentation that can also satisfy this requirement. You may use either the OLCC-provided Local Government Recommendation Form or your local government's own document, as long as your submission contains at least the following pieces of information:

  • Date the local government received the application
  • Trade Name of the business
  • Premises street address (where the business will be located)
  • Name of the local government (city or county name)
  • That the submission is for a Liquor License

How do I find my local government?
To find the correct local government for your application, we recommend searching the internet for “Your City or County” + OLCC Liquor License. This will typically return a search result that will help guide you to the appropriate office in your jurisdiction. Common departments for processing LGB recommendations include Planning & Development, Civic Life, or the Sheriff’s Office; however, each local government is different.

For Liquor License Applicants within the City of Portland, click here: City of Portland.

YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE for a Temporary Sales License - For Profit (TSL-FP) if you are a person or organization who makes alcoholic beverages within Oregon or who imports or causes to be imported into Oregon an alcoholic beverage for sale or distribution in Oregon.

This includes the following OLCC licensees: Brewery, CERA, CERD, Distillery, Grower Sales Privilege, Warehouse, Wholesale Malt Beverage and Wine, and Winery. Wineries, breweries, distilleries, and wholesalers in other states are also not eligible for a TSL-FP.

Most of these licensees have other special event license type options; however out-of-state wineries, breweries, distilleries, wholesalers, or any out of state permit holders are not eligible for any special event license types, unless they have an in-state license as well that affords them a special event license beyond a TSL.

If you have questions, or need clarification please email

Alcohol Licensing is moving online to CAMP (Cannabis & Alcohol Management Program (Goes Live August 12, 2024)

  • Applicants need to submit their application to the City of Portland for endorsement and pay any of their required fees. 
  • Please visit City of Portland’s website and submit your application through its new online system, Civic Portal. Please attach a copy of your approval letter from City of Portland when you submit your application to OLCC.
  • Applicants must submit a copy of their application with payment to the OLCC – this is separate from the payment and application to the City of Portland
  • All of the above items must be completed in order for the application to be processed.

Fact Sheet: Recreational Marijuana - Consumption, Gifting, and Giveaways

Please be aware that as a licensee, you could be subject to administrative sanctions for allowing public consumption of marijuana at your licensed premises. If you need further clarification of a public place, please call 503-872-6366.

Special Event Applications Status Report

Portland Metro Region (Clackamas, Hood River, Multnomah, Wasco, and Washington counties) ONLY*

This link contains special event applications that have been received by the OLCC for events located in Clackamas, Hood River, Multnomah, Wasco, and Washington counties. The information included indicates any required outstanding items still needed in order to approve the event application and identifies where the application is in the approval process.
Portland Metro Region Event Applicants ONLY - Click to Check Your Status




Date Applied

The calendar day that the OLCC received the application.

Licensee Name

The name of the individual applying for the special event license.

Event Name

The title of the event being applied for. Exempt events will not have specific titles and likely reflect “Exempt Event” in this field.

Payment Collected

This field indicates if we’ve collected all monies owed on an application.

  • “Yes” means that no monies are owed
  • “No” indicates that there are funds still outstanding.
  • “N/A” will be used for exempt events that do not have payment requirements

Local Governing Body (LGB) Recommendation

  • “Pending” - this item is still missing on the application submitted
  • “Grant” -  the LGB has recommended approval of the application
  • “Acknowledge” - the LGB recommends neither granting or denying the application
  • “Deny” - the LGB does not recommend the granting of the application

In the case that we receive a “deny” status, staff will reach out to you to discuss next steps.


  • “Pending” - the application has not been processed.
  • “Approved” - the application has been endorsed as approved by the OLCC
  • “Approved with Restrictions” - the application has been approved with a set of rules, guidelines, and/or limitations in place in order to overcome good cause to deny an application
  • “Denied” - the application has been denied by the Oregon Liquor & Cannabis Commission
  • “Not Processed” - an application has been submitted less than two weeks before the event or the date of the event has passed

Event Date

The event dates related to each application is listed in this column.

Date Applicant Sent to Applicant

The date which an “approved” application is coordinated back to an applicant’s provided contact email address


For questions, please contact:

Applications received less than two weeks before an event date, may not be processed in time for the scheduled event. “Approved” status applications will be sent to you at the contact email address provided on the application. Please reach out to if your approved application copy has not been received.

* Event status for other regions coming soon.

Contact Us

For questions, please contact the OLCC Office Locations of the city or county where your event will be located.