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CAMP: Cannabis and Alcohol Management Program

Welcome to CAMP (Cannabis and Alcohol Management Program), OLCC's innovative system that provides seamless functionality for marijuana and liquor licensing and permits.

CAMP for Alcohol Licensing goes live August 2024!
(Currently for Marijuana Licensee Use Only)

Currently For Marijuana Licensee Use Only


CAMP Help Desk: 855-907-0836 (Monday through Friday, from 8 AM to 8 PM PT)

Alcohol Licensing

Coming August 12, 2024

Alcohol Licensing CAMP Launch Date: August 12, 2024

Improvements for New Annual Licensing Applicants

  • Submit your annual license application online
  • Track progress on your liquor license application online
  • Submit additional documents needed for issuance online, such as bond, insurance, and local government documentation
  • Carryover licensee information from existing licenses for new applications
  • Make your application & license payments online
  • Use a credit/debit card as payment; and/or checks electronically via ACH
  • Apply for the Responsible Vendor Program online

Improvements for Current and Future Licensees

  • View your license information and manage all of your licenses in one location
  • Assign Authorized Representatives to manage your license online
  • Be able to submit renewal applications online
  • Make your renewal payments online
  • Submit additional documents such as bond information online along with your application online
  • Submit requests for changes to your license online
  • Track the progress of your renewal or change request online
  • Use a credit/debit Cards as payment; and/or checks electronically via ACH
  • Apply for the Responsible Vendor Program online

Improvements for Special Events

  • Submit your Special Event Application online
  • Track progress on your application online
  • Submit additional documents for your special event application online
  • Carryover licensee information from existing annual licenses for new applications, or from previous events
  • View your approved events online
  • Request changes to your approved special events online
  • Use a credit/debit card as payment; and/or checks electronically via ACH

Access Code letters will sent through USPS and email the week of July 29, 2024. The email will come from, and sent to the primary email address on a licensee's current active license

These codes will allow existing licensees to link their existing licenses to their newly created accounts in the new CAMP Portal. Annual alcohol licensees will need to create a customer profile on the new CAMP system to access all their information in the consolidated customer portal. To do this, a licensee will need a designated email account and a one-time only online access code.

Licensees may receive more than one of these letters -- each with a unique online access code -- if there is more than one "customer profile" associated with the licensee, the licensee's businesses, or if the licensee holds multiple licenses.

Access Codes will only be valid on or after Alcohol Licensing goes live with CAMP on August 12, 2024. Although CAMP is already live for Marijuana Licensing, your alcohol license information will not be available to link to until the go-live date.

Join us for one-hour live webinar, Navigating CAMP, to help you understand the CAMP system and what to expect when you first sign on.

All of the sessions listed below will cover the same information about how licensees can navigate and use CAMP. However, the Q&A sessions following the presentations will be specific to the unique license category. Please choose to attend the session that best aligns with your license type:

General Alcohol Licensing: 9am - 10am
(Bars, restaurants, grocery stores, convenience stores, neighborhood markets and other retail outlets)
Join the Webinar (Teams)
Meeting ID: 295 116 646 391, Passcode: faFd9S
Or join by phone: 503-446-4951, Conference ID: 749 530 063#

Manufacturing/Wholesale: 11am - 12pm
Join the Webinar (Teams)
Meeting ID: 234 923 073 001, Passcode: TEW3fE
Or join by phone: 503-446-4951, Conference ID: 720 012 24#
Special Events Licensing: 1pm - 2pm
Join the Webinar (Teams)
Meeting ID: 213 019 809 455, Passcode: daCvsa
Or join by phone: 503-446-4951, Conference ID: 467 061 134#

If you're unable to attend, we will have recordings of each webinar available on this web page.

Marijuana Licensing

Guides & Resources

What is an Online Access Code and why do I need one?
To access the new CAMP system, you will need to create a customer profile on the system. This is done by using a designated email account and the one-time only Online Access Code.

You may receive more than one of these letters, each with a unique Online Access Code. This will happen when the systems we are consolidating have more than “customer profile” for you, your businesses, or for the licenses you hold.

What if I received multiple online Access Code letters?
If you receive multiple Online Access Codes in separate letters, you will need to determine whether you received multiple letters because you represent multiple licensees, or whether you received the letters because the OLCC had duplicate information for you in their records. You will not receive a code for each license you hold —the code links the profile you create to a Licensee. (The new system will automatically link all licenses and product labels once the licensee is identified.)

  • If you are an Authorized Representative who represents multiple licensees, the Online Access Codes you receive will associate you with the license as an Authorized Representative, not as the primary licensee. You can assist the OLCC with setting up the new system by encouraging the licensees you represent to complete their own profiles. Once they set up their account, they can confirm that you are correctly shown as their authorized representative.
  • If you hold multiple licenses, the Online Access Codes will identify your online account as the licensee, for the information connected to the Online Access Code you enter. If all the Online Access Codes you receive are for the same licensee, create one account and enter all the Online Access Codes, one at a time, as described below. The system will associate all the related licenses with the same licensee.
  • If you receive multiple letters because you are associated with multiple licensees, (you are not acting as an agent—you are a manager, owner, or contact person for more than one licensee), create separate accounts for each licensee, and enter only the Online Access Codes associated with the licensee you sign on as. You must use different email addresses to associate the system information with different licensees. You must sign out of the system and sign on with each unique email address before entering the Online Access Codes for each licensee.

You do not need to enter all the Online Access Codes at one time. You can sign on and enter codes at any time.

How do I set up an email account to use in the new CAMP system?
To access the new system, you will need to create a customer profile on the system using an existing or new email through Google, Microsoft, or Apple ID, or an ID that you create to interact with the OLCC. (Using Google, Microsoft, or Apple IDs is called “third-party authentication”. This is done to help protect your information security. Learn more about this at

If you have an email address that includes “” in the address, you have a “Google” ID.

If you have an email address you use to sign on to Microsoft365, OneDrive, or another Microsoft service, then you have a “Microsoft” ID.

If you have an email address that includes “”, or” then you have an “Apple” ID.

You may also have a corporate ID (“”) or a personal ID (using @yourname) that is a Google, Microsoft, or Apple ID, which will work just as well. You can check with your corporate IT support to determine if your corporate id will work with the OLCC system.

If you need to create a new Google, Microsoft, or Apple account, follow these steps:

  1. To create a new Google account, go to and click the link to “Create an account”.
  2. To create a new Microsoft account, go to and click the link to “Create account.”
  3. To create a new Apple account, go to

How do I link my information to my licensee account?
To set up an account using your existing Google, Microsoft or Apple account, or to use the account you just created, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the CAMP Customer Portal
  2. Click on the “Login/Register” link under the Customer Portal Login.
  3. On the system Home page, under “Don’t have an account?”, click on the “Sign up now” link.
  4. Follow the instructions to create your account and profile.
  5. Click on the “LICENSEE/AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE” tab and view your information in the “My Licensee/Authorized Representative Information” section.
  6. Notice the “Online Access Code” text box and the “ASSOCIATE” button.
  7. Enter the “Online Access Code” found at the top of the letter you received and click “ASSOCIATE”. At this point, the system will search for the licensing and product registration records associated with the Online Access Code, link them to the licensee, and display the “Licensee” information.
  8. Follow the link (the Licensee Name) to verify that the contact and address information is correct. If the licensee is a corporate entity, the system will show the corporate structure on file for your company. If the information shown is not correct, see “Correcting my information” below.
  9. If you received multiple “Online Access Codes”, enter all the codes that must be associated with this licensee. Be sure to read the section “Entering multiple access codes” above.

Feel free to look around the new website and view your licensing information. The license(s) you presently hold should all be shown there. If any of the information appears to be incorrect, please contact the OLCC at to review your concerns.

If you need help creating an account, or help entering your Online Access Code(s) into the system, please call the CAMP Call Center 855-907-0836 (Monday through Friday 8am to 8pm).

How do I correct my information in the customer portal?

  • If your name and contact phone number are incorrect, you may correct it on the “My Profile” page. You do not need to submit any amendments to keep this information up to date.
  • If your “Licensee/Authorized Representative” tab does not show the authorized representative that helps you manage your license details, contact your authorized representative, and encourage them to set up an account and enter their Online Access Code. Entering this in the same way you entered the code(s) provided to you, will associate them with your licenses as an authorized agent. Do not give them your Online Access Code! That will associate them as an applicant, not as an authorized representative.
  • If your “Legal Entity” information is not correct (you find this by clicking the “Licensee Name” link on the “Licensee/Agent” tab) contact the OLCC at 855-907-0836 (Monday through Friday, from 8 AM to 8 PM PT) for assistance. If you received multiple Online Access Codes, it’s likely that you were incorrectly identified in the old systems as more than one legal entity. Contact the OLCC at 855-907-0836 (Monday through Friday, from 8 AM to 8 PM PT) to have them merge the multiple legal entities into a single individual or company.
  • If the information for a license, a licensee, or a package/label is incorrect because it has changed since your last renewal, you can find the necessary amendment applications on the home page of the customer portal.

This guide covers the specifics of marijuana licensing functionality of CAMP including:

  • creating an account in CAMP
  • associating your current licenses and applications in OLCC’s legacy licensing system into CAMP
  • submitting an application
  • renewing your license
  • requesting amendments to your license
  • reviewing your licenses and pending applications
  • FAQ’s.

CAMP Customer Portal

OLCC staff overview of the CAMP system for Phase 1 Marijuana Licensees) - March 13, 2024

Packaging & Labeling in CAMP

Beginning March 18, 2024, OLCC will go back to collecting a $25 fee for changes made to an approved label or package. This process will be done inside CAMP and users can simply click a button to “request an amendment to label” and pay the $25 fee online. Read the complete Information Bulletin


About CAMP

CAMP will:
  • replace the existing marijuana licensing, marijuana worker permits, and alcohol service permits systems;
  • provide online alcohol licensing for special events;
  • provide simple and hassle-free license management with just a single login;
  • improve data tracking for improved quality of service from OLCC staff;
  • have access to online payment options using credit, debit, or ACH electronic funds transfer. Marijuana licensees will still have the option for cash payments with OLCC's Financial Services team;
  • be adaptable and functional on mobile devices.

When the OLCC began licensing the cannabis industry in 2016, the licensing system was a hybrid of digital and paper-based methods. CAMP is designed to digitally manage all of the complexities of licensing Oregon's cannabis industry.

OLCC's liquor licensing system has remained largely a paper process; switching licensing and permitting to CAMP will be a significant improvement.CAMP will increase licensing efficiency by having a single system replacing old and inefficient systems, which will also improve data quality and document management.

CAMP is also scalable to use on phones and tablets. OLCC compliance staff will have a mobile app for field work, allowing them to interact with license holders and permit holders in real-time.

In late 2021, OLCC staff created a process to suggest a unique, clever, and easily recognizable name for the agency's new digital Marijuana Licensing, Liquor Licensing, and Compliance management system. The goal was to come up with a name that would not only describe what the system does but also be easy for the public to remember. After generating potential names, the choices were eventually narrowed to three compelling options. From the finalists, OLCC's executive team selected the name "Cannabis and Alcohol Management Program" or "CAMP" - the acronym used to refer to the system.

The State of Oregon awarded the contract for the new OLCC licensing system to Computronix in Spring of 2022. Computronix offers a commercial off-the-shelf system (COTS) that has already been implemented in several other American states and provinces in Canada. These states include Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, and Pennsylvania..

OLCC and Computronix have worked with representatives and stakeholders from the alcohol, cannabis and hospitality industries on designing CAMP. This collaborative process has included having those stakeholders testing and providing feedback on the CAMP user interface as it’s been constructed with a focus on ensuring a positive user experience.

Keep in Touch

Our team is dedicated to ensuring a seamless transition to CAMP and equipping you with all the necessary resources and information. Don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions. Also, remember to regularly visit our site for updated content.


CAMP Help Desk: 855-907-0836 (Monday through Friday, from 8 AM to 8 PM PT)

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