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Oregon Air National Guard Job Opportunities

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Oregon Air National Guard 

Job Opportunities

Application Instructions are included in each announcement.

AGR & DSG Announcements - Listed below, click hyperlinked name for application instructions.

Technician Announcements - Click HERE for current jobs listed on USAjobs (page will open in a new tab)

Questions: Please contact

Air Fuels Systems MechanicSrA - SSgt2/19/2025142 MXSPortland, ORAGRNationwide
Commander, Aircraft Maintenance SquadronCapt - Lt Col2/23/2025173 AMXSKlamath Falls, ORAGRNationwide
All Domain Command and Control OperationsA1C-SSgt2/28/2025142 WGPortland, ORAGRNationwide
Crew ChiefSSgt - TSgt3/2/2025142 AMXSPortland, ORAGRNationwide
Security Forces JourneymanAB- SSgt3/2/2025142 SFSPortland, ORAGRNationwide
KF 25-008 - Wing Weapons ManagerE-8/E-93/3/2025173 Maintenance GroupKlamath Falls, ORDSGNationwide
KF 25-004 Advanced Practice RNO-53/5/2025173d Medical GroupKlamath Falls, ORDSGNationwide
KF 25-005 Physician AssistantO-53/5/2025173d Medical GroupKlamath Falls, ORDSGNationwide
KF 25-006 NurseO-53/5/2025173d Medical GroupKlamath Falls, ORDSGNationwide
Budget OfficerMaj - 2 Lt 3/7/2025142 CPTFPortland, ORAGRNationwide
Plans, Scheduling, and DocumentationSSgt - TSgt3/12/2025173 MOFKlamath Falls, ORAGRNationwide
Aircrew Flight Equipment SuperintendentMSgt - SMSgt3/14/2025125 STSPortland, ORAGRNationwide
Clinical NurseMaj3/15/2025142 MDG Det 1Portland, ORDSGNationwide
Aircrew Flight EquipmentSSgt-MSgt3/16/2025142 OSSPortland, ORAGRNationwide
Medical Group CommanderO-5/612/31/2025173d Medical GroupKlamath Falls, ORDSGNationwide
Unit Deployment ManagerSSgt - MSgt12/31/2025JFHQSalem, ORDSGNationwide
KF 25-003 Civil Engineer OfficerCommissioning Opportunity up to O-412/31/2025173d Civil Engineer FlightKlamath Falls, ORDSGNationwide
KF 25-007 - Public Affairs OfficerCommissioning Opportunity up to O-412/31/2026173d Fighter WingKlamath Falls, ORDSGNationwide
Combat ControllerMSgt- SMSgt1/31/2099125 STSPortland, ORAGRNationwide
Public Health Officer2d Lt - Lt Col4/25/2099173 MDGKlamath Falls, ORDSGNationwide
PararescueMSgt - SMSgt5/11/2099125 STSPortland, ORAGRNationwide
Combat ControllerSSgt- MSgt6/4/2099125 STSPortland, ORAGRNationwide
Special ReconnaissanceSSgt - MSgt8/9/2099125 STSPortland, ORAGRNationwide
F-35 Instructor PilotMaj - Lt Col12/31/2099114 FSKlamath Falls, ORAGRNationwide
Public Affairs OfficerCommissioning Opportunity up to O-4 / Major12/31/2099142 WGPortland, ORDSGNationwide
First Sergeant TSg - MSgt12/31/2099Multiple Portland, ORDSGNationwide
Financial ManagementSSgt12/31/2099142 CPTFPortland, ORDSGNationwide