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Public Records Advisory Council

The Public Records Advisory Council (PRAC) is authorized under Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 192.461-483

  •      The PRAC consists of bipartisan public records experts representing state and local governments, the media, the public, and public sector workforce. 
  •      The PRAC will meet at least once every six months and at other times and places specified by the call of the chair or a majority of the members.


  • Select and appoint the Public Records Advocate.
  • Survey state agency, other jurisdictions and public body practices and procedures for:

               -Receiving public records requests, identifying the existence of records responsive to the requests and gathering and disclosing responsive records;

               -Determining fee estimates and imposing or waiving fees; and

               -Determining and applying exemptions from required disclosure.

  • Identify inefficiencies and inconsistencies in application of the public records law that impede transparency in public process and government.
  • Make recommendations on changes in law, policy, or practice that could enhance transparency in public process and government, and facilitate rapid dissemination of records to requesters.
  • Make recommendations on the role of the Public Records Advocate as facilitator in disputes between custodians of public records and public record requesters.
  • Report to Governor and Legislature by December 1 of each even-numbered year the findings of the council since the council's last report including recommendations for legislation.


Distribution Group Email           

Upcoming Meetings*

(*please make sure to review all information below for current meeting details)

Wednesday, August 14, 2024, 3 - 4 pm

1. Meeting documents:

     August 14, 2024 agenda.pdf

2. Teams meeting information:

    Join the meeting now

    Meeting ID: 270 100 030 550

    Passcode: c9Gd6b

    Dial in by phone

    +1 503-446-4951,,916844199# United States,              Portland

    Find a local number

    Phone conference ID: 916 844 199#


Monday, September 9, 2024, 12 - 1 pm

1. Meeting documents:

     September 9, 2024 agenda.pdf

2.  Teams meeting information:

     Join the meeting now

     Meeting ID: 260 467 562 750

     Passcode: AicShQ

     Dial in by phone

     +1 503-446-4951,,913050052# United States,             Portland

     Find a local number

     Phone conference ID: 913 050 052#

2024 Past Meetings

Public Records Advisory Council Meetings
6.24.24 recording on YouTube
6.24.24 auto-generated transcript_unedited.pdf
6.24.24 PRAC Agenda.pdf
v.2 Draft Agency Director Performance Review   Process.pdf

6.5.24 recording on YouTube
6.5.24 PRAC Agenda.pdf

PRAC - PRA hiring process overview.pdf

Expression of interest in reappointment by the Public Records Advocate.pdf

Draft Agency Director Performance Review Process.pdf

4.5.24 Recording on YouTube

April 5, 2024 PRAC Agenda.pdf

PRAC Hiring Flow Chart Proposal 240402 final.pdf

SB 417 -1_05.30.23.pdf

Public Records Advisory Council - Bylaws Subcommittee Meetings

Tuesday, April 2, 2024, 2:15 - 2:30 pm

4.2.24 Recording on YouTube

Agenda: vote on proposed hiring process. 
4.2.24 auto-generated transcript_unedited.pdf

2020 January PRAC Job Announcement - Position Title Public Records Advocate.pdf

PRAC Hiring Flow Chart Proposal.pdf

PRAC Bylaws Subcommittee Meeting 3.13.24 _ SS Notes.pdf

PRAC Bylaws Subcommittee_ SS notes re: 1.26.24 meeting with LOTC.pdf

Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 12 pm - 1 pm. 

3.13.24 Recording on YouTube

3.13.24 auto-generated transcript_unedited.pdf

March 13, 2024 Agenda.pdf

Bylaws Subcommittee Presentation.pdf

PRAC Hiring Flow Chart Proposal.pdf

Monday, January 29, 2024, 11 am - 12:30 pm. 

1.29.24 Recording on YouTube

1.29.24 auto-generated transcript_unedited.pdf  

January 29, 2024 Agenda.pdf

Presentation_PRAC Bylaws Subcommittee Overview.pdf 

Barker_Public Comment.pdf 

2023 Past Meetings

Public Records Advisory Council meetings
December 6, 2023 Recording on YouTube
Meeting materials:

 December 6, 2023 Agenda.pdf 

January 23, 2023 PRAC meeting minutes.pdf

March 13, 2023 PRAC meeting minutes.pdf

Public Records Advocate assistance & training report.pdf

Merrick comments_ORS 192.431 proposed amendment.pdf

September 18, 2023 recording on YouTube


Agenda_amended 09.18.23_corrected date.pdf

January 5, 2023 PRAC meeting minutes.pdf

Current version of 2023 SB 417.pdf

Cameron Miles_slides re: terms of council members.pdf

Public Records Advocate DRAFT facilitated dispute resolution administrative rule.pdf

Laura Ahearn public testimony.pdf

March 13, 2023 Recording on YouTube

***Meeting Documents

March 13, 2023 PRAC meeting minutes.pdf

March 13, 2023 11-11:15 am agenda.pdf

HB 5035

January 23, 2023 Recording on YouTube

***Meeting Documents

January 23, 2023 PRAC meeting minutes.pdf

January 23, 2023, 130 -2 pm Agenda.pdf

SB 417.pdf

Draft SB 417 one pager.pdf

Council-approved overview of SB 417.pdf

January 5, 2023 Recording on YouTube

***Meeting Documents

January 5, 2023, 2 - 3:30 pm Agenda.pdf

2023 LC 1828/SB 417.pdf

2023 LC 1836/SB 510.pdf

2023 LC 258/HB 2112.pdf

HB 2112 one pager.pdf

Public Records Advocate assistance & training report.pdf

Barker 01-16-2023 Comment to LC 1828 DRAFT and SB 417.pdf

2022 Past Meetings

November 18, 2022 Recording on YouTube

***Meeting Documents (to be posted as they become available)

November 18, 2022, 1 - 3 p.m. Agenda.pdf

November 18, 2022 PRAC minutes_draft.pdf

PRAC approved bill on public record costs_11.18.22.pdf

PRAC Legislative Subcommittee FINAL proposed bill on public record costs.pdf

June 2, 2022 meeting minutes

Barker comments_PRAC Legislative Subcommittee FINAL proposed bill on public record costs.pdf

Barker comments II_PRAC meeting location.pdf

Barker comments III_PRAC Legislative Subcommittee FINAL proposed bill on public record costs.pdf

LC1836_2023_Regular Session.pdf

Gothard Comments on Proposed Bill on Public Records Costs.pdf

June 2, 2022, 1 - 3 p.m. Agenda

June 2, 2022 Minutes

June 2, Recording on YouTube

Public Records Advocate’s Assistance and Training Update

 Legislative Subcommittee report June 2022

Legislative Subcommittee meetings

*The official record of meetings of the PRAC subcommittees is the video recording posted here. A transcript may be provided only as reference and a useful guide to find sections of discussion in the video. The transcript is generated automatically by artificial intelligence and is not reviewed or corrected. The transcript is not an official record.

November 3, 2022
***Meeting Documents

11.03.22_PRAC Legislative Subcommittee meeting transcript.pdf

November 3, 2022, 11 a.m. - 1230 p.m. Agenda.pdf

11.03.22 Subcommittee meeting doc.pdf

OLERA Comments_Revising ORS 192.311-329.pdf


October 28, 2022 Recording on YouTube
***Meeting documents

10.28.22_PRAC Legislative Subcommittee meeting transcript.pdf

October 28, 2022, 1:30-3 p.m. Agenda.pdf
Kron comments_Revising ORS 192.311-329.pdf

Primary points for discussion and votes-PRAC leg subcommittee 102822.pdf

Approved points and unaddressed concepts-PRAC leg subcommittee 10.28.22.pdf

Gothard comments_Draft legislative concept revising ORS 192.311 to 192.329.pdf

October 20, 2022 Recording on YouTube

10.20.22_PRAC Legislative Subcommittee meeting transcript.pdf

***Meeting documents

October 20, 2022, 3-430 p.m. Agenda.pdf

Revising ORS 192.311-329_agreed upon concepts in yellow.pdf

Suo proposal_itemization and communication.pdf

Barker comments_Draft legislative concept revising ORS 192.311 to 192.329-IncorporatingSuo.pdf

Barker comments_Revising ORS 192.311-329_agreed upon concepts in yellow.pdf

Kessler comments_Revising ORS 192.311-329.pdf

October 14, 2022 Recording on YouTube

***Meeting documents
October 14, 2022, 1:30-3 p.m. Agenda.pdf
Suo proposal_Potential agreement ouside of public interest.pdf
Draft legislative concept_revising ORS 192.311 to 192.329-IncorporatingSuo.pdf

October 7, 2022 Recording on YouTube

*Meeting documents

October 7, 2022, 130-3 p.m. Agenda.pdf

Draft legislative concept_revising ORS 192.311 to 192.329 clean version.pdf

Draft legislative concept_revising ORS 192.311 to 192.329 tracked changes & author comments.docx

Suo, S. Proposal_Public Interest 192.324(5).pdf

September 27, 2022 Recording on YouTube

*Meeting documents

     September 27, 2022 Agenda & log in information.pdf

     PRAC Placeholder bill_09.16.22.pdf

      Chair's REVISED Public Records Cost Reform 2023 LC_091122 draft

      Public Records Cost Reform 2023 LC_Revision 2

September 16, 2022 Recording on YouTube

September 16, 2022, 230-4 p.m. Agenda.pdf

Draft PRAC Legislative Concept (LC) Placeholder bill.pdf

Chair's REVISED Public Records Cost Reform 2023 LC_091122 draft.pdf

Public Records Cost Reform 2023 LC_VERSION 2.pdf

September 7, 2022 Recording on YouTube

September 7, 2022, 2:30-4 p.m. Agenda.pdf

Public Records Cost Reform 2023 LC_VERSION 1.pdf

Landauer_Comments on Draft Cost Reform Concept.pdf

Page Count Fact Sheet.pdf

Office of Legislative Counsel_Records Requests.pdf

Office of Legislative Counsel_Public Records Policy 142-109.pdf

Office of Legislative Counsel_Public Records Policy 142-112.pdf

August 26, 2022 Recording on YouTube

August 26, 2022, 1-3 p.m. Agenda.pdf

Public records cost reform 2023 LC_062122draft-MARKEDUP082522.pdf

Cost of Public Records Access in Oregon_updated 08.05.22.pdf

Public Records Advocate's proposed reforms to ORS Chapter 192

Public Records Advocate's proposed reforms to ORS Chapter 192

Suo, S._Analysis_ Costs of eliminating fees.pdf

Suo, S._Comments on Draft Cost Reform Concept.pdf

Suo, S._Additional Considerations.pdf

Janzen, T._Comments on Draft Cost Reform Concept.pdf

Gothard, E._Comments on Draft Cost Reform Concept.pdf

Kron, M._Comments on Draft Cost Reform Concept.pdf

SPJ_Comments on Draft Cost Reform Concept.pdf

Dooley_Comments on Draft Cost Reform Concept.pdf

Public Comments on Draft Cost Reform Concept.pdf

August 5, 2022 Recording on YouTube

August 5, 2022, 1-3 p.m. Agenda.pdf

Cost of Public Records Access in Oregon_updated 07.15.22.pdf

Public Records Advocate's proposed reforms to ORS Chapter 192

Public Records Advocate's proposed reforms to ORS Chapter 192

08.05.22_Public Commentary 1.pdf

 07.15.22 Recording on YouTube

July 15, 2022, 1- 3 p.m. Agenda.pdf
     Cost of Public Records Access in Oregon - Issues of Concern/Problems to solve.pdf

06.24.22 Legislative Subcommittee meeting agenda

May 13, 2022, 1 – 3 p.m. Agenda

     May 13, Recording on YouTube
     Report: State Statutes for Public Record Costs

April 22, 2022, 1 – 3 p.m. Agenda

     Oregon DEQ Testimony on Public Records Request Fees

     Oregon DEQ Presentation Fees and Waivers for Public Records Requests

     City of Portland Presentation on Fees

April 1 Agenda

     April 1, Recording on YouTube

     Kentucky Open Records Act Unreasonable Burden Statute

     Kentucky Attorney General Open Records Order, 3/22/22

March 11, 2022 Agenda

     March 11 Recording on YouTube

     Margaret Kwoka Testimony on Fees

February 18, 2022, 1 - 3 p.m. Agenda

     February 18 Recording on YouTube

     Oregon Heath Authority Public Record Requests and Fees Policy

     Draft Spring Schedule

     Optional Notes Template

     Jeanne Windham Testimony

     Department of Corrections Testimony

January 14, 2022 Agenda

Non-Legislative Subcommittee meetings

April 13, Recording on YouTube

      April 13, 2022 Agenda

     Portland Police Bureau – Presentation on Processing and Disclosing Personally Identifiable Information

     Portland Police Bureau – Statistics on Public Records Requests Processed


December 17, 2021 Legislative Subcommittee

December 17 Recording on YouTube

December 17 Agenda

Summary points from Legislative subcommittee meeting 11/12/21

Testimony of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press

December 9, 2021

December 9 Recording on YouTube

December 2, 2021

December 2 Recording on YouTube

December 2 Agenda
DRAFT Summary points from Legislative subcommittee meeting 11/12/21

November 2021

Nov. 18 Recording on YouTube

Non-Legislative Subcommittee PRAC Agenda

Nov. 12 Recording on YouTube

Legislative Subcommittee PRAC Agenda

October 2021

Oct. 15 Recording on YouTube

Oct. 15 Meeting Minutes and Transcript

October 15 Agenda

Public Records Advisory Council subcommittee assignments as of 10/15/21

2021 subcommittee potential work areas suggested by Steve Suo

Part 2: 1 - 3 p.m., Sept. 16

Sept. 16 PRAC meeting - Part 2 of 2; 9/16/2021 (YouTube)

Sept. 16 Meeting Minutes and Transcript

September 2021 Agenda


PRAC: 2021 Non-Legislative Objectives

Part 1: 1 - 3 p.m., Sept. 10

Sept. 10 PRAC meeting – Part 1 of 2; 9/10/21 (YouTube)

Sept. 10 Meeting Minutes and Transcript

PRAC: 2021 Legislative Concepts