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​Children need adoptive homes

Children of all ages may be adopted; however, most waiting children are over the age of 5 and may fall under one or more of the following categories:

  • Part of a sibling group needing to be placed together
  • Part of a racial, ethnic, or cultural minority
  • Have physical, mental, developmental or emotional disabilities

Children needing adoptive homes look like other children and come in all shapes and sizes. They are like other children, each with their own special personality, abilities, interests, and potential. Many children waiting for adoption have special needs related to the abuse or neglect they've experienced, including the grief and loss of being taken from their birth family. Sometimes the birthparents decided they could not take care of their children and turned over custody to the state.

Since most children living in foster care who are available for adoption are school aged, families seeking to adopt a baby may also wish to contact a private adoption agency licensed by the state. These agencies work with birthparent(s) who choose to place their baby with an adoptive family.

See Oregon's waiting children.

Make a lifelong commitment to a child

Adoption is a way to give children the security, a sense of belonging and the unconditional love they need. Adoptive parents have permanent, legal parental rights and responsibilities to the children they adopt.

These children also need parents who can:

  • Accept their sense of loss and need to heal
  • Share their sense of humor
  • Be self-confident, but not afraid to ask for help or support when needed
  • Work with social workers, teachers, therapists and community partners
  • Be willing to keep them connected to their birth family when appropriate
  • Support racial and cultural diversity
  • Accept and nurture a child not born to them
  • Be patient, yet persistent

Who can apply?

Families are as diverse as the children needing homes. Each comes from their own different life experiences, levels of education, income, occupations, and lifestyles. Successful families are caring people who are ready to make a commitment to a child.

  • You can be single, married, or domestic partners
  • You can live in a house or apartment, but must have room to house a child
  • You can work inside or outside the home
  • You must be at least 21 years of age or older
  • You must have sufficient income to support your family
  • You must be able to physically care for a child
  • You must pass a child abuse and criminal background check
  • Applicants are considered regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexual orientation

How to get started

For more information about adoption:

See our Step-by-Step Adoption Guide or

Call 1-800-331-0503 or

Contact us online