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There are over 8000 Oregon kids living in foster care today. Approximately 200 are also waiting to be adopted. You can help.

Oregon Adoption Resource Exchange

If you are a ODHS worker, a licensed private adoption agency or a family with an approved home study, you can log in to access the Oregon Adoption Resource Exchange Website where you can view all of Oregon's waiting children. You must register to receive a login and password​.

Heart Gallery

A Family for Every Child link
heart gallery of hope
A Family for Every Child Heart Gallery
and Christian Family Adoptions Heart Gallery of Hope allow you to learn about some of the children who are awaiting adoption. 

Oregon Family Outreach

Oregon Family Outreach link and logoOregon Family Outreach is a partnership campaign with Oregon Department of Human Services​​ and Boys & Girls Aid that provides statewide recruitment, support, information, and community organizing for foster care and adoption in Oregon. Contact us to learn more and discover how you can reach out to a child in your community.

Call 1-800-331-0503 or contact us online about foster parenting or adoption.