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Resource Parents and Relative Caregivers

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Training overview​

Becoming a resource or adoptive parent can be a life changing and rewarding experience​. To become certified you must complete​ required training and renew your certification every two years.


​​ ​Orientation​​​ ​training

​Orientation training will introduce you to resource parenting and help you determine if this is the right step for you and your family. If you choose to take the next step and become a resource parent, relative resource parent or adoptive parent, this training is also part of the certification process.

Orientation information and r​egistration​​​

​​​​ ​​Required Certification training

Resource and Adoptive Family Training (RAFT) is ODHS Child Welfare’s required​ training curriculum for all resource parents, relative resource parents, and pre-adoptive parents. All resource parents must complete RAFT within 12 months of becoming a certified resource parent.

RAFT information and r​egistration​​​​

​ ​​​​Certification Renewal trai​ning

Ongoing training is availalbe for resource parents or relative resource parents to further their skill development. It's also available to ​meet the required 30 hours of ongoing training during each two year certification renewal cycle. There are several training options.

Ongoing training opti​ons​​​