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Strategic Plan Progress

2020-2025 Statewide Strategic Plan

The Alcohol and Drug Policy Commission (ADPC) is an independent state agency created by the Legislature in 2009 to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of substance use services for all Oregonians. In 2018, the Legislature directed the ADPC to develop a statewide, comprehensive strategic plan for substance use services, which the ADPC completed in 2020 for 2020-25.  

2020-2025 Statewide Strategic Plan 

July 2024 Progress Report to the Legislature

This report on the status of implementation and progress on the 2020-25 plan is provided in compliance with ORS 430.223 (4), which directs the ADPC to review and update the plan by July 1 of each even-numbered year and produce a report on the metrics and other indicators of progress in achieving the goals of the plan. The report is offered in conjunction with a publicly available tracker of the status of all strategies and activities directed by the plan as well as a newly launched dashboard showing substance use related indicators that the ADPC tracks over time to measure our progress as a state.

July 2024 Progress Report

Strategy and Activity Tracker

Measurement Dashboard

Fall 2023 ADPC Recommendations for Immediate Action to Reduce the Number of People Who Die of Overdose in Oregon

The ADPC recommends the following steps be taken to address the entire substance use continuum of care. We recommend that action be taken in each and every area in order to effectively prevent and address substance use and directly impact deaths related to overdose in Oregon.

ADPC Overdose Recommendations