Business registration for providing landscape architecture services
ORS 671.318 Businesses providing landscape architecture services. A business may not provide landscape architecture services unless the work is under the full authority and responsible charge of a registered landscape architect who is also an owner or officer of the business. A business shall file a form with the State Landscape Architect Board identifying responsible landscape architects by name and registration number. The filing must also describe the services that the business is offering to the public. The filing must be in a form prescribed by the board. The business shall notify the board in writing no later than 30 days after a change of registered owners or officers or a change of business name or address.
For purposes of ORS 671.318, the Board has defined the following terms:
OAR 804-003-0000(2) “Business” — A sole proprietorship, association of persons, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, or other entity that provides landscape architecture services in Oregon.
OAR 804-003-0000(21) “Responsible Charge” — Having control over or responsibility for landscape architecture services provided directly or by others under the supervision of the Registered Landscape Architect. Responsible charge includes but is not limited to the Registered Landscape Architect being responsible for one or more of the following landscape architecture services performed or provided:
- (a) The manner, method, or quality controls of practice;
- (b) Ensuring minimum acceptable standards of practice are followed;
- (c) Preparing or reviewing designs, calculations, plans, site assessments, maps or other documents with the authority to make final decisions in regards thereto;
- (d) Identifying deficiencies found in, correcting errors contained in, or making other changes to designs, calculations, plans, site assessments, maps or other documents;
- (e) When providing supervision, being readily accessible to the person(s) being supervised either by being located in close proximity to the person(s) supervised or by being in frequent, immediate and responsive contact with the person(s);
- (f) Providing construction observation where authorized or requested by the client; and
- (g) Stamping and signing final work products where required under ORS 671.310 to 671.459 and OAR chapter 804.
804-035-0010(3)(a) "Owner or Officer" - an individual owning, operating, or employed by the business and having full authority, accountability, and responsibility on behalf of the business to enter into contracts for provision of landscape architectural services in Oregon, to directly provide such services, and to otherwise make decisions regarding the execution and outcome of such services, where at least one “owner or officer” must be a Registered Landscape Architect holding an active registration and in good standing with the Board and who is in responsible charge of the landscape architecture services of the business.
Apply for business registration
Applications for business registration can be submitted at any time and are processed as received. Summary information on the application process can be found in the instructions posted below. Applications can be securely submitted to the Board using the link below. A complete application includes the business registration application form and a statement of responsibility signed by the Registered Landscape Architect who will be designated as in responsible charge.
Note: Business registration with the Board is NOT the same as registering to conduct business in Oregon. For general business registry information, please contact the office of the Oregon Secretary of State. You may also want to look at the information on starting a business in Oregon which can be accessed by clicking here.