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Transition Services for Young People with Foster Care Experience

Moving from foster care to independence

Transition services help young people move from foster care to becoming an independent adult. Eligible young people who are in foster care or who have experienced foster care can use these services to support their journey.

Contact us

Youth Transitions Program
500 Summer St NE, E76
Salem, OR 97301-1017

 FAX: 503-945-6969
 TTY: 503-945-5896

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How to get services

Click on a topic learn more. 

 Learn skills to live independently

You can get help learning new ​skills as you prepare to ​live ​independently. Local for-profit and nonprofit organizations and government agencies provide services.​

​​​Daily Living Skills - Manage your money, take care of your home, find transportation, deal with legal issues, stay healthy, get ready to work, understand housing options and other independent living skills.​

Educational Assistance - Tutoring, homework and study groups, college tours, financial aid and scholarship applications.

Do I qualify?

You qualify if you are:

  • Age 14 or older and in substitute care (ODHS or Tribal), OR
  • A former foster child under age 24 who left child welfare substitute care placement at age 14 or older and had at least 180 days in substitute care placement services after age 13

​How to get services

  • If you are in foster care, contact your caseworker.
  • If you are no longer in foster care, you have two options: 
    • Call 855-503-7233 and request to open a Family Support Services (FSS) ILP case. This number is for both the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline and for requesting a FSS ILP case. NOTE: If you are under age 18, your parents or legal guardian must agree to this Voluntary Services request. You can also use this option if you are 18 up to 21 years old and ​want an ODHS caseworker and need other ODHS services beyond those available through ILP.
    • If you are age 18 to 23, you can self-refer to a local Independent Living Program Provider for Aftercare Support services. NOTE: With this option, you won't have an ODHS caseworker who can ​refer you to other ODHS services. You will work directly with​ a local Independent Living Program Provider.​

​Learn about th​e services available​

Financial help

You can get flexible funds ​to help you meet your goals for transitioning ​to independent living. Some examples are items for your home, work equipment, things you need for school, move in or application fees, or paying for things like a driver's license, birth certificate, etc.

Do I qualify?

You qualify if you are:

  • Age 14 or older and in foster care
  • A former foster child age 14 or older that spent at least 180 days (six months) in foster care after age 13
  • Under age 24

How to get services

  • If you are in foster care, work with your ODHS or Tribal caseworker to get these funds.
  • If you are no longer in foster care and only working with your ILP Provider (no ODHS involvement), work with your ILP Provider to get these funds.​

You may get up to $5,000 per academic year based on your need and the funds available. You must be accepted and enrolled in a post-secondary education or training program to receive funds. This program is available for up to five years and before you turn 26. 

You need to apply every year.​ Applications are due on one of the following dates: August 1, November 1, February 1 or May 1.​​

Do I qualify?

The Oregon Student Aid Office provides information about eligibility for the Chafee Education and Training Grant (ETG).

NOTE: If room and board is not included in your school’s tuition cost, you may also be eligible for the Chafee Housin​g Program (see "Housing" below).​

How to get services​

You will need to complete and submit the Chafee ETG application and be in good standing with the school. Learn more about the Chafee Grant​

Other financial aid

Visit our Financial Aid page for more state and federal resources to help pay​ for college.​


This program helps you pay for housing for a maximum of 30 months (2.5 years) so you can transition to live independently in your community. The first 12 months you can get up to $1,022. The amount will gradually decrease for the remaining 18 months.

Do I qualify?​​​

​​You may qualify if you are currently in ODHS foster care and:​

  • Are age 18 or older (some exceptions may be made for youth who are 16-17 years old)
  • Were in at least one other foster care placement
  • Have an ODHS approved plan of 36 ours of activity per week (work, education, volunteer activities or a combination of these)
  • Are a high school graduate or are ​​​ actively working to meet educational goals
  • Are currently enrolled in skill-building services, including financial literacy​

How to get services​

Contact your ODHS caseworker or ILP worker to help you with this process. You will meet with a screening committee that will decide if you are ready and if this program is right for you.

This federal program provides up to $1,022 per month to live independently for a maximum of $12,000, or through age 23 (ends on your 24th birthday), whichever comes first. Services vary from state to state. If you plan to leave Oregon, check with that state before you move to see if they offer Chafee Housing.

Do I qualify?

You may qualify if you are aged out of ODHS foster care at age 18 or older and:

  • Are 18 to 23 years old (up to your 24th birthday)
  • Spent at least 180 days (6 months) in ODHS or Tribal foster care after age 13 and were discharged after turning age 18.
  • Have an ODHS approved plan of 36 ours of activity per week (work, education, volunteer activities or a combination of these - must include at least four hours of paid employment)
  • ​Are a high school graduate or are actively working to meet educational goals
  • Are currently enrolled in skill-building services, including financial literacy

NOTE: If room and board is included in your school’s tuition cost, you will not be eligible for Chafee Housing.

How to get services

Contact your ​ODHS caseworker or ILP worker to help you with this process. You will meet with a screening committee that will decide if you are ready and if this program is right for you. 

Resource list

These resources and support organizations help current and former foster youth transition to living independently.

Independent Living Program (ILP) providers by county

Young adults (age 18 - 23) who were in foster care can contact their county ILP provider directly to request ILP Aftercare services.