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Children's Intensive In-Home Services (CIIS)

CIIS helps families care for their children with significant disabilities in their own homes.

CIIS provides flexible, family-centered, culturally-sensitive case management services.

About CIISCIIS programsEligibility and referralServices and supportsContacts

About CIIS

​Childr​en's Intensive In-Home Services Program (CIIS) provides flexible, family-centered, culturally sensitive case management services that help families care for their children with significant disabilities in their homes. The program provides services based on the needs of the child and family while using state and federal resources efficiently.​

CIIS has three specialized sections to address the needs of children with disabilities and complex care needs. A child could qualify and receive services through the Intensive Behavior, Medically Involved or Medically Fragile Programs​.​

Are you a current or potential care provider?

Are you a current or potential behavior professional?

Are you a nurse or nursing agency?


Children in the Medically Fragile Program have very intense medical and nursing needs and depend on specialized medical technology for their health. Providers for medically fragile children are often nurses or overseen by RNs to ensure that supports are properly performed. A clinical criterion is conducted by MFCU nursing staff with input from the families and medical community. ​​

Referral Form

​Children in the Medically Involved program generally require moderate to full support with all routine, daily activities, including mobility supports (use of a walker, wheelchair, or carried), and help with grooming, bathing, dressing, and elimination. The child may also require specialized medical interventions such as daily respiratory treatments, seizure protocols or G-tube feedings.​

Referral Form

​Children in the Intensive Behavior Program frequently demonstrate challenging behaviors, such as aggression, self-injury, elopement, and sleep disturbances, which require their family members to constantly adapt their environment and routines to maintain safety in the home. A child must have a primary diagnosis of a developmental disability and be enrolled in their county's Developmental Disability progra​m before being referred to the Intensive Behavior Program.

Referral Form

Eligibility and referral

To refer a child or youth to a CIIS program, complete the referral form for the appropriate program.

Email the completed form to​.

The CIIS eligibility team will assess whether the child's support needs qualify them for CIIS services.

  • Children and youth referred to the Intensive Behavior Program must first be eligible for their county's developmental disability program. CIIS' medical program do not have this requirement.
  • Family income is not an eligibility factor. However, a child's financial resources are considered.
  • Children and youth must be eligible for Oregon Medicaid benefits to receive services through CIIS. Some may qualify based on household income. Others may qualify based on their disability status.
  • Apply for Medicaid through the ONE system. Your local county DD program can assist with this process during the CIIS intake process. This guide explains the Medicaid application process and includes tips for parents. Please contact us​ if you have any questions.
  • Current program eligibility information​

Services and supports

​Each client and their family work directly with a CIIS program services coordinator to develop a comprehensive plan to address the client's specific disability needs. With the plan in place, the service coordinator assists the family in gaining access to supports. Learn more about Individual Support Plans​.

​Some examples of supports that CIIS clients might receive:

  • In-home caregiver supports
  • Medical or sensory equipment
  • Adaptive technology
  • Professional consultation and training from a Registered Nurse or Behavior Professional
  • Accessibility modifications to a child's home or vehicle
  • Family Training
  • Specialized supplies
  • Skilled nursing supports in the home (Medically Fragile program only)​

​The program does not provide funding for any item or service that duplicates that which could be paid for by insurance or other resources. CIIS supports are intended to supplement, not replace, the supports available to our clients from their families, communities, schools and other public or private agencies. CIIS funding will not be provided for any item or procedure that may present a danger to the child or that is not in compliance with state and federal law.​

Contact us

11826 NE Glisan St
Portland, OR 97220


Phone: 971-673-3000​

Fax: 971-673-2971

Hours: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Vanessa Fulton, Medical/Intake and Assessment Program Manager

Joshua Carlson, Behavior/Admin Program Manager​

Kyle Ashton, Intensive Behavior (BEH)

Maria Paz, Medically Involved (MICP)

MFCU Intake Coordinator*

*Ask for the MFCU Intake Coordinator or send referral form by email
Phone: 503-378-5051
Fax: 503-378-5756​