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Oregon Commercial Vehicle Entry and Enforcement Policies

Citations and Fines

Drivers will be subject to citation and fines when:
  1. Entering the state or operating in Oregon before getting credentials.
  2. Operating in Oregon when the Motor Carrier’s Account or vehicle registration is suspended.
  3. Operating without a valid variance permit and the load may not proceed until your driver possesses a valid variance permit.

Over-Dimension (OD) Variance Permits

This policy does not authorize loads that exceed legal size and/or weight to enter or operate in Oregon before obtaining a Variance Permit. Oversize and/or overweight vehicles are required to obtain a variance permit to operate in Oregon:
  • Before entry when operation originates outside Oregon.
  • Before operating when operation originates in Oregon.

Get a Variance Permit

  • Continuous Operation Variance Permits (COVP) are available on our website and through ODOT Agents. Find a COVP Application (form 1860) and a list of our permit providers on our Over-Dimension Operations web page.
  • Contact the Over-Dimension Permit Unit.

Commercial Vehicle Tax and Registration

Electronic Credential Documents
The Commerce and Compliance Division (CCD) allows drivers to carry and present electronic documents that are able to open in PDF or other legible form. Other Oregon enforcement agencies may not accept electronic documents.

Paper Documents
Temporary pass numbers and route maps must be in paper form and carried in the vehicle.

Get CV Tax and Registration Credentials Before Operating in Oregon

  • Contact the Commercial Vehicle Tax Services Center to get tax and commercial vehicle registration credentials.
  • To do business with CCD online, visit our Online Services web page. If you have a CCD Oregon Trucking Online (TOL) account, login to self-issue the type of temporary credential you need.
  • Visit our Tax Program Services web page for more information.
  • Visit our Salem or Portland Metro office.

Motor Carrier Checklist

Having the following information available when calling the Commercial Vehicle Tax Service Center or visiting our Salem Headquarters or Portland Metro Office will aid in quickly obtaining required credentials.

Carrier Information

Motor Carrier Name:
CCD Account Number:
USDOT Number:
Driver’s Name:
Effective Date:
Email Address or Fax Number to receive credentials:

Payment Method:
ACH/Direct Payment
Cash, Check, Money Order

*All Credit Card transactions are subject to a 2.4% transaction fee. Read more about our Direct Payment options.

Truck Information

Base Plate Number:
Jurisdiction Plate Issued (if applicable):
Plate Apportioned: Yes. What is the Registered Weight?
                               No. Heaviest Operating Weight in Oregon?
Weight Shown on Cab Card:
Vehicle Type (tractor, truck, truck-trailer, bus, van, flatbed, toter, etc.):
                     Bus empty weight and number of seats including driver:
Model Year:
Vehicle Make:
Unit Number:
Fuel Type:
Odometer Reading:
Is vehicle owned or leased? If leased, from who?
MCRS USDOT if different from registrant.

Load Information


Proposed Route

Where are you entering Oregon?
Oregon deliveries / loading? Where?
Where are you leaving Oregon?
City of Origin if trip begins in Oregon?
How many miles operated in Oregon?

Need More Information?