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Safe Routes to School Programs

“Safe Routes to School” refers to efforts that improve, educate, or encourage children safely walking (by foot or mobility device) or biking to school. The Oregon Department of Transportation has two main types of Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs: Construction and Education and technical assistance. Construction programs focus on making sure safe walking and biking routes exist through investments in crossings, sidewalks and bike lanes, flashing beacons, and the like. Education programs focus on education and outreach to assure awareness and safe use of walking and biking routes. 

Click here to access the Oregon Safe Routes to School website where you can find educational resources, grant information, upcoming events and more!

Biking to school

From 2005-2012 there was dedicated federal funding for Safe Routes to School infrastructure and non-infrastructure. When that went away, ODOT and the Oregon Transportation Commission used its discretion to continue some dedicated funding for non-infrastructure. Although there was no dedicated funding for infrastructure, several Safe Routes to School projects successfully competed for funding over the years.

In 2017, the Oregon Legislature passed the landmark transportation funding package (HB2017) which dedicates infrastructure funding once again to Safe Routes to School. Funding will flow into the Safe Routes to School Fund (ORS 184.740), guided by Oregon Administrative Rule 737-025. The new funding source for infrastructure money is state highway funds. These have different constitutional restrictions than federal funds and the Rule must be amended to make it consistent with state laws. Projects on school grounds, bike racks, off-road improvements and planning studies will no longer be eligible for infrastructure funding. The Rulemaking Advisory Committee submitted the revised Rule to the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) in 2018.

The Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC), adopted the amended Oregon Safe Routes to School Rule (OAR 737-025) in 2018.

For more information read the updated rule, SRTS Notice Filing, or contact​

​The Safe Routes to School Advisory Committee, or SRAC, consists of approximately 15 volunteers who have been appointed by the ODOT Director. The committee meets at least quarterly and is charged with recommending projects for funding in ODOT's Safe Routes to School Construction and Non-Construction Grant Programs. The committee is advisory to the Oregon Transportation Commission and ODOT.




Education Program

Email Heidi Manlove

Safe Routes to School & Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program Manager

Transportation Safety Office
1905 Lana Ave NE 
Salem, OR 97314

Construction Program

Email Xao Posadas
Safe Routes to School Program Manager

Public Transportation Division
555 13th Street NE
Salem, OR 97301

Related Links

2024-2025 SRTS Competitive Construction grant program Applicant FAQs

All SRTS Projects (map viewer)

  • Note - map is updated 1-2 times a year

Transportation Safety Action Plan

Statewide Policy Plans

Bicycle and Pedestrian Program

Pedestrian and Bicycle Strategic Suballocation
