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Police Traffic Enforcement

The goal of the Police Traffic Enforcement Program is to reduce deaths and injuries through support of speed enforcement, traffic safety law enforcement, training and equipment funding. 

​The goal of the Police Traffic Enforcement Program is to reduce deaths and injuries through support of speed enforcement, traffic safety law enforcement, training and public education.

Speed Enforcement: Overtime enforcement grants to address the issue of speeding drivers.
Speed Management: Monitors, analyzes and provides topical expertise regarding Oregon speed laws, legislation and speed issues at the state and local levels. Provides expertise to Oregon law-enforcement and judicial agencies.  
Speed Measuring Device Training: Provides training and certification for radar and lidar through the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training.
Public Information and Education: Provides media information and public outreach regarding the dangers of speeding.
Speed Goal: Reduce deaths and injuries that are speed-related on state/interstate highways, county roads and city streets in Oregon.
Photo Red Light and Photo Radar: Are funded and supported directly by each city that operates a photo red light and/or photo radar program. Each city is required to provide a process and outcome evaluation to the Legislative Assembly on the use of this technology in Oregon once each biennium.  

​TV Public Service Announcements​

"Speed Test" TV PSA - 30 seconds - YouTube video
"Never Worth It" TV PSA - 15 seconds - YouTube video
"Never Worth It" TV PSA - 30 seconds - YouTube video


This brochure has been distributed to assist in the public education effort as it relates to speeding.

Slow Down: It's the Law - Stock #330541

​For information regarding red light running, visit the the links below:
Transportation Safety Redlight Running webpage
Verra Mobility National Stop on Red Week webpage
If You Run a Red Light - FHWA Brochure

*Please note: The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) does not have information about how to resolve red light running citations (tickets). If you have been cited, you need to contact the court or law enforcement agency that issued the ticket. You should find the contact information on the citation you received by mail or by traffic stop.

Move Over or Slow Down

Move Over GIF - Move Over For Tow Trucks and Vehicles with their hazard lights on - ODOT Maintenance - Emergency Responders
Move Over GIF image - for download

Move over or slow down when you see flashing lights of any color from a vehicle parked on the side of the road – any vehicle from a tow truck, public works, emergency response, hazard lights on a car or semi, law enforcement or ODOT vehicles. It will save lives and it’s the law.

Protect and help the people who protect and help you

Nationally, approximately 24 first responders lose their lives on interstate highway shoulders every year while doing their job. According to AAA, an estimated 12% of interstate traffic fatalities, or 600 deaths per year, are the result of shoulder crashes.

From 2016-2020 Oregon experienced 207 crashes involving vehicles parked off the road. These crashes resulted in 7 fatalities, 13 serious injuries, and 164 moderate and minor injuries. One hundred crashes were property damage only. Fifty (47%) of those crashes involved heavy/medium trucks.

Here in Oregon, from 2015 to 2020, there were 2,774 crashes that occurred in work zones, 25 of which were fatal and 114 resulted in serious injuries. From 2015 to 2021, ODOT vehicles were hit 50 times by the traveling public.

​It's the Law

Oregon passed its first Move Over law ORS 811.147 in 2010 requiring drivers to move over a lane or slow down five miles below the speed limit for an emergency vehicle, a roadside assistance vehicle, a tow vehicle or ambulance, when it is displaying warning lights. In 2017, it was changed to include any vehicle stopped displaying hazard lights.

A billboard that reads, Respect the Zone so Everybody Gets Home with an image of children holding orange work zone flagger signs that have safety messages on them.

There's something all of us can do to help keep people safe and free-up congestion on Oregon's roads. If you get in a non-injury crash, just MOVE IT. It's that simple - move your vehicle out of the way so other drivers can safely pass. It's also the law (ORS 811.717).


Kristin Twenge
Police Traffic Enforcement 
Program Analyst

DMV - Transportation Safety Office
1905 Lana Avenue NE
Salem, OR 97314-0001