The Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund (CESCF), authorized under Section 6 of the Endangered Species Act, provides grants to support voluntary conservation projects for listed species and species that are candidates for listing. The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, under cooperative agreement with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, annually requests proposals for projects and acquisitions that benefit invertebrates that are either listed or candidates for listing under the federal and/or state Endangered Species Acts.
The US Fish and Wildlife Service typically makes notification of the availability of funding in the late fall or early winter each year. We posts the availability on this web page along with application forms and relevant deadlines. Grant proposals can be for either “traditional” projects such as scientific experiments, invertebrate rearing, monitoring, or habitat restoration; or, for “non-traditional” purposes such as acquiring land, or Habitat Conservation Planning (HCP) assistance. Grant proposals must include at least 25 percent non-federal matching funds toward the total project cost, or 10 percent when two or more states or territories undertake a joint project.