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County Opportunity Grant Program

The County Opportunity Grant Program (COGP) is funded by a portion of recreational vehicle registration fees, and is administered by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. Typically, the program awards about $800,000 annually to qualified projects. The program has benefitted Oregon counties since 1983.

Program Overview


Eligible applicants include

  • All Oregon counties that own property outright or have a long-term lease (20 years or more).

  • County property operated by other public entities with interagency agreements.

  • Counties with no park system and fewer than 30,000 residents can apply to develop or improve campgrounds within or adjacent to fairgrounds.

Project Types include:

Acquisition – Acquiring property for public camping facilities, including new areas or additions to existing parks.

Development – Developing new campgrounds, adding onto existing campgrounds or developing new support facilities such as restrooms, parking lots, landscaping, and sewer/water/electrical systems. Potential projects include building picnic facilities, playground areas, trails and other facilities that enhance an overnight camping experience.

Rehabilitation – Rehabilitating grounds or structures to meet the access requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Potential projects include remodeling restrooms and shower facilities, campsites and replacing sewer/water/electrical systems in overnight campgrounds.

Planning – Planning for future development of overnight camping facilities, including feasibility studies and park master plans.

Facilities where recreation is a secondary function are ineligible. This includes projects related to courthouse grounds, fairgrounds, ports, and museum grounds

Match Criteria:

  • Counties with fewer than 30,000 residents require a 25% local match.

  • Counties with more than 30,000 residents require a 50% local match.

Local matches include local budget funds, federal revenue sharing funds, local agency labor or equipment, other grants, donations of land, labor, equipment, or any combination of the above.

Grant Cycle Schedule

2025 COGP Schedule 

August 1, 2024:  2024 COGP cycle “Opens” – All forms and applications are available online at

October 1, 2024: COGP Applications Due

November 13, 2024: Advisory Committee Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Registration Link:

After registering, you will recieve a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Spring 2025: Projects Awarded

Dates are subject to change.

Grant Program Guidance and Forms

​The grant manual includes information about the grants program and explains the types of eligible projects, matching requirements, and the open project selection process. It is viewable, searchable and printable.

2024-25 COGP Grant Manual

​If you are interested in learning more about the grant program and the application process, please contact Mark Cowan.

​OPRD uses an online grants application system. The application can be accessed online when the grant cycle is open. Interested applicants must have an account on to apply and if needed, can request an account at any time.

Online Application Instructions:  These instructions are intended to help applicants navigate the online application process.

Application Forms: There are four types of application packets: planning, acquisition, development, and rehabilitation. To apply, fill out the appropriate application packet.

Pre-Application worksheets
Use one of the two forms below as a guide when preparing answers for the Online Application. Your answers can then be cut and pasted from the Worksheet to the Application.


Grant Advisory Committee

An advisory committee composed of seven members appointed by the Director reviews all project applications. The committee members serve non-concurrent four-year terms and represent the following interests:

  • Two representatives of recreation vehicle owners;

  • Three county representatives including one from a county under 20,000 population, and  one from a county parks department;

  • One representative for people with disabilities; and

  • One citizen representative.

Interested in serving on the County Parks Assistance Advisory Committee?  Fill out the Committee Interest Form below and email it to the COGP Coordinator.

Committee Interest Form

Committee Responsibilities and Expectations

Grant Awards


Mark Cowan
Grant Program Coordinator
725 Summer St. NE Suite C
Salem, OR 97301

Julian Fedorchuk
Grant Program Coordinator,
725 Summer St. NE Suite C
Salem, OR 97301
