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Database and Mapping Resources

Oregon Heritage, which includes the State Historic Preservation Office, manages some database and mapping resources that can assist you with your research or projects.

SHPO site form system and OARRA outage this weekend (5/5-5/7)

The Survey and Inventory program maintains the Oregon Statewide Inventory, a publically-accessible database of all built properties for which the SHPO has collected physical and/or historical information. While the Statewide Inventory does include the most recent evaluation for eligibility for listing in the National register of Historic Places, mere inclusion in the Statewide Inventory is not an official designation of any kind. The Inventory will, however, indicate if a property has been officially designated, by listing in the National Register of Historic Places, or determined to be eligible for listing by the National Park Service.

The information available through the Historic Sites Database ranges from very basic information about a property to extensive physical and historical information about a property or group of related properties. Most information held by the SHPO is available through the Historic Sites Database, but additional information may be held in the SHPO hard copy files. Contact the SHPO to see if additional information is available beyond that available online. The Historic Sites Database is also one of the ways information about historic properties is provided to the SHPO for adding to the Oregon Statewide Inventory.

​The Oregon SHPO hosts and administers the Oregon Archaeological Records Remote Access (OARRA).  A GIS based web portal with information on documented archaeological resources and archaeological survey reports.

Who can get OARRA access?

OARRA is available only to professional archaeologists and researchers who meet one of the following criteria.

  • Are an Oregon Qualified Archaeologist
  • Are a current member of the Register of Professional Archaeologists
  • Work for an Agency, Tribe, contractor with a bachelor's degree in archaeology and four years work experience
  • Graduate student working under a faculty member that meets one of the above criteria

How to get OARRA access

Please fill out the following application and send it to  Be sure to attach all necessary documentation to your email. 

Found an error?

If you found an error and would like to report it to make OARRA better please log in and click on the “Feedback” button in the top right corner.  This will automatically alert SHPO staff.

Need to update your account or has your account expired?

If you only had 1 year of access to OARRA your account may have expired. Please fill out a new application and submit it.  You will get an email when your account has been reactivated.  If you are having any other issues, please see the Managing Your Accounts Guide for additional trouble shooting.

See the OARRA User Guide to assist you in navigating OARRA.

Access OARRA

This resource allows you to search all of the reports that are in the SHPO Archaeological Library.  You are able to search by location, author, year published, keywords, or title.  After you log into your site form account (if you do not have account, click on "create new account"), click “Report Search" in the upper left hand corner for access to the database.  These documents can then be viewed through OARRA.  If a document is in the SHPO Archaeological Library but not on OARRA please contact SHPO archaeological staff with the biblio number and they will be able to provide a digital copy of the document.