Register for OregonBuys Today
The Oregon Procurement Information Network (ORPIN) was replaced with
OregonBuys on July 1, 2021. Suppliers must register for an OregonBuys account to do business with the state.
COBID certified suppliers must also register. Since OregonBuys is integrated with the state's COBID system - all you need to do is register and your account will automatically update to reflect your COBID certifications.
Periscope Holdings
As a supplier you may receive OregonBuys registration emails and phone calls from our vendor, Periscope Holdings. These requests are legitimate and we ask you to take appropriate action. Periscope Holdings provides support for the OregonBuys system.
Registration is Easy and Free
Visit this link and click on the blue "Register" button in the top right hand corner of the webpage to get started:
Refer to these instructions: